Check out the IN23 Promo Kit complete with messaging guidance, content ideas, graphics, product screenshots and videos, and more.

Access the Kit

Selling IN23 Products: Sales and Positioning Resources for Partners

The must-see resources for the marquee products announced at INBOUND23, to help you sell. Please be mindful of the labels on what is and isn’t shareable publicly.

Questions? Reach out to your CAM, CC, or PDM. 

HubSpot Conference INBOUND in Boston in September 2023

Smart CRM and Customer Platform

At INBOUND 2023, we announced new messaging and positioning around HubSpot, including the Smart CRM and Customer Platform. Use these resources to refine the messaging on your website, content, campaigns, and elsewhere. 


Understanding the Customer Platform Slide Deck

This deck covers the updated positioning to set you up for success, including the various layers of the product and defining the different elements of the customer platform; more specifically the hubs, suites, ecosystem, and customer platform.

*Do Not Distribute. For partners only*

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Customer Platform Messaging Guide deck

This guide is designed to help you more closely align with HubSpot’s updated framework to accurately reflect how we position our product to the world, including customer platform and Smart CRM.

*Do Not Distribute. For partners only*

Sales Hub Refresh

At INBOUND23, HubSpot relaunched Sales Hub with new positioning, features, and messaging. This is a shift from Sales Hub being referred to as a Sales CRM by positioning it as an engagement hub separate from CRM.

Selling is harder than ever, and there’s a clear productivity problem for B2B organizations. The old playbook of “more activities, more reps, more tools” is no longer effective. To succeed, sales teams need to create better customer connection through relevance, which is exactly what Sales Hub enables you to do.

Use these resources to help you start selling Sales Hub to your customers. 


Why it's important:

Prior to INBOUND23, HubSpot referred to Sales Hub as a Sales CRM. This created friction in selling the product, because it was viewed as a required CRM rip and replace, which held deals up. Now, Sales Hub is positioned as an engagement hub that sits on top of any CRM of choice. If a customer isn't ready to move to HubSpot Smart CRM, they might still be a fit for Sales Hub.

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prospecting workspace

Access the Sales Hub Selling Kit

For key personas, objection handling, discovery questions, case studies and more, download the Sales Hub Selling Kit.

CRM Customization

At IN23 we launched a series of product updates that grant businesses increased flexibility over their data in HubSpot. These product updates are collectively being called “CRM customization” - and are largely related to how a business represents their data model in HubSpot. 

CRM customization allows businesses to efficiently model, configure, and extend data by:

  • Modeling data in HubSpot Smart CRM; defining the most efficient mode of presenting information to users
  • Configuring data in the Smart CRM; providing the right information to users at the right time 
  • Extending the reach of the Smart CRM; consolidating internal and external information and driving efficiency



Why it’s important: 

Customers need a CRM that accurately represents their data model and unique business requirements while also offering informed opinions and recommendations about their processes.

With the introduction of features like record page configuration, UI extensions, and smart associations - customers can accomplish all they need and more with HubSpot's Smart CRM.

Plus, customers who customize their CRM see higher close rates than those who do not.

Primary Market Segment

  • B2B SMB businesses with large or complex team structures (typically more than 100 employees)


  • Developers
  • Implementation Specialists
  • Solutions Engineers and Architects
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Key messaging: 

To power productivity today, the best organizations create customer connections through relevance. They focus on quality over quantity, outcomes over activities, and helping humans over pushing products. 

CRM customization powers productivity through adaptability. The HubSpot CRM platform pairs powerful customization with award-winning ease of use, resulting in a solution that is easy to adapt. Armed with relevant and centralized data, teams can focus their efforts on making quality connections as opposed to time-consuming activities.


Check out these resources for everything you need for selling and positioning HubSpot's AI tools.


Why it’s important: 

In the epic David-vs-Goliath battle, AI is the slingshot.

According to HubSpot’s State of AI survey, 64% of SMB leaders who invest in AI tools report a boost in employee productivity, with an average of 2.5 hours saved per day. Additionally, 89% of marketers report that AI improves the quality of their content, while 86% of sales professionals state it makes their prospecting more effective. 

HubSpot’s AI features are intuitively engineered across the platform.

For Marketers:

  • HubSpot's AI tools help you spark creativity,
    improve ROI, and increase efficiency.

For Salespeople:

  • HubSpot's AI tools help you transform the way
    reps prospect and sell.

For Service Reps:

  • HubSpot's AI tools help you boost efficiency
    and optimize your processes.
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Key messaging:

For Marketers: HubSpot's AI tools help you spark creativity, improve ROI, and increase efficiency. For Salespeople: HubSpot's AI tools help you transform the way reps prospect and sell. For Service Reps: HubSpot's AI tools help you boost efficiency and optimize your processes.

Commerce Hub

At IN23 we announced the repackaging of our e-commerce tools into Commerce Hub.

Check out the resources below for updated messaging, how to position this hub, and some new features launched.

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Why it’s important:

HubSpot is repackaging our commerce products, plus introducing a couple new products. With this launch, we will support international markets and bring ‘commerce’ front and center so the market knows what HubSpot offers.

With these features, customers can get paid faster, increase revenue, and save time.

Primary Market Segment: 

  • Existing HubSpot customers
  • B2B SMB (1-50EE)


  • CEO leader
  • Finance
  • Sales Leader
  • Marketing Leader



Key messaging: 

Commerce Hub is an all-in-one suite of B2B commerce tools that work directly with HubSpot CRM, where you can seamlessly plugs into your existing processor (starting with Stripe). No rip-and-replace required.

Streamline your opportunity-to-revenue process to get paid faster, increase revenue, and save time.