Your daily roundup of the latest posts from the HubSpot Marketing Blog.
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Here's your daily roundup of our latest and greatest marketing posts. Enjoy!

Compounding Posts Generate 38% of Your Blog's Traffic: Here's What HubSpot's Look Like
By Mimi An, Tuesday, September 1, 2015 8:00 AM

Did you know that there is a certain type of blog post that makes up 10% of a blog's repertoire, but are responsible for generating 38% of total blog traffic? If you do the math, that means just one of these special posts brings in the same amount of traffic as six regular posts.

In a recent study, we investigated these standout posts, which we call “compounding posts," and discovered that they're found in all types of business blogs. Yep, even yours -- you just have to know how to find them.

Making Changes to Your Website? Draw Inspiration From These 13 Web Designs
By Dan Slagen, Tuesday, September 1, 2015 6:00 AM

When you're planning to make changes to your website, it helps to poke around other companies' websites to see what they're up to. How have they structured their navigations? Do they still use hero images? How many CTAs do they have? What do their mobile websites look like?

While you're certainly not trying to copy features exactly, seeing what others are doing can help you figure out what's new in the fast-paced world of design and inspire new ideas for your own site.  

Hit With a Google Penalty? Here's How to Quickly Diagnose & Fix Your Issues
By Andrea Francis, Tuesday, September 1, 2015 4:00 AM

Every marketer has a story about getting penalised by Google. Evidence suggests that though many websites have been penalised (not just by the big updates, but also by one of the thousands of tiny little manual Google updates), the average marketer or webmaster hasn’t noticed. According to Kissmetrics, only 5% of penalised websites are submitting a reconsideration request every month to recover their rankings.

Password Statistics: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly [Infographic]
By Lindsay Kolowich, Monday, August 31, 2015 12:00 PM

When was the last time you changed your email password? Your Facebook password? How about your bank account password?

If it's been a while, you may want to take a few minutes and change 'em up. According to a survey of 2,000 people in the U.S. and the U.K., almost three-quarters of consumers use the same exact password for multiple accounts. What's more, a large number of people haven't changed that duplicate password in over five years.

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