
The New Marketing Hub Enterprise

Always easy. Now deeply powerful. We're packing even more features into HubSpot's marketing software.

It’s become surprisingly easy to do complex things.

  • Learn a language on your phone? Easy.
  • Create complex graphics without months of training? Easy.
  • Buy stock while you wait for your coffee? You guessed it: easy.

But, when it comes to marketing, we’re still using clunky, complex, and time-consuming legacy software. It doesn't have to be this way.  

At HubSpot, we believe the best tools combine both power and simplicity. That's why we created Marketing Hub Enterprise: consumer-grade software with Enterprise power. So you can spend less time learning about and managing software, and more time actually using it to create remarkable customer experiences. 

Marketing Hub Enterprise: Always easy. Now deeply powerful. 

New in 2020

Here are the powerful new features you can now expect in Marketing Hub Enterprise.

Team-Based Partitioning

Better organization means a cleaner database and a more productive team. Assign all your marketing assets by team so every user has access to the right content. 

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Adaptive Testing

Say goodbye to manual test setup or measurement. Use advanced machine learning to continuously and automatically run tests and optimize your website's conversion rates. 

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Account-Based Marketing

Get your ABM strategy off the ground in minutes, not months. Marketing Hub Enterprise includes all the tools you need, like company scoring, properties, templates, and out-of-the-box reports. 

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Multi-Touch Revenue Attribution

Automatically connect every customer interaction to revenue, so you can make strategic decisions rooted in business value — not vanity metrics. Marketing Hub Enterprise is built for real people — not data scientists.  

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