More Resources

Enhance your knowledge with a curated collection of resources that range from ebooks and guides to detailed information on HubSpot's software.

FTC Guidelines

Did you know that you can be regulated by the same laws as the world's biggest corporations? Take a look at the FTC rules and regulations for HubSpot affiliates.

What's New at HubSpot?

Keep up with HubSpot's latest platform news. Learn more about new or updated features and get the insider scoop on what we're working on to make our CRM platform the best one yet!

Why Choose HubSpot?

Find out why HubSpot is the #1 CRM platform for scaling businesses. You can use this information to inspire your own content and better inform your audience on why they should sign up for HubSpot. More purchases = more commission!

hubspot products

HubSpot Products & Features

What is HubSpot? The HubSpot CRM platform has the marketing, sales, customer service, operations, and content management features you need to build the best experience for your customers. Check out this breakdown of each HubSpot product and their features.


HubSpot Free Trial

HubSpot's software offers a lot of tools and features to help businesses grow better. Test out the product yourself to give a detailed review of the paid features or to make your own screenshots/demos.

comparison software

Software Comparisons Library

Picking software to run your business is not a decision you make lightly. We’re here to make it easier. Use these head-to-head tool comparisons to find the best features and setup for your needs.

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HubSpot Academy: Free Online Training

If you're looking to grow your career and business, HubSpot Academy has something for you. From quick lessons to comprehensive certifications, you can learn the latest business trends from leading experts. Plus, HubSpot Academy will educate you on HubSpot software — so you can apply your learnings to your affiliate content.

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Free Business & Marketing Resources

HubSpot has 350+ resources consisting of digital tools, eBooks, guides, templates, and more to help you grow. That's right — hundreds! Use these resources to improve your promotions as well as your overall business strategy.


HubSpot Blog

Are you staring at your screen right now, completely stuck on what to write next for your blog? Sometimes you need inspiration just to get a jump start — and reading some of HubSpot's blogs may give you the spark you need.