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Easily leverage HubDB with the new HubDB row field

HubDB lets you create dynamic content based on a a specific dataset within HubSpot. The HubDB table field works great for developers who want to reference an entire HubDB table on their page, but isolating specific rows of that table could get extremely cumbersome. For example, when a marketer uses a custom module containing a HubDB table field they have no control over what row in that table appeared on their pages. At that point, it was up to the developer to make specific custom modules for each use case of that table.


Use data to create personalized websites with the CRM Object Field

By leveraging CRM data directly on your website, you can begin to create truly personalized experiences for visitors to your website. In the past, this often meant you would have to duplicate data from your CRM for use on your website. This created extra work, and often lead to incorrect information on your website once data was updated in the CRM.


New CMS Apps in the App Marketplace

To help you get the most out of CMS Hub, we've launched a slew of new apps within the App Marketplace. These apps provide you with the resources you'll need to quickly adopt the CMS, and extend the functionality of our CMS to meet your specific business' needs. These apps range from enabling ecommerce checkouts on your website, to creating dynamic real estate listings, and more.


50+ New Themes in the Asset Marketplace

Themes contain all of the page templates, modules, and other assets needed to create websites or landing pages with a cohesive design. They are optimized to allow non-technical content creators to build and customize pages via drag and drop and visual design tools (similar to the email editor). By offering a wide variety of theme designs and price points, we hope to enable anyone to create powerful and beautiful web content that delights their customers.


You Can Now Shop for Themes in The Asset Marketplace

When CMS Hub launched in April we introduced 7 new default themes that were optimized for new features such as drag and drop editing and global settings. Today, we're introducing even more options to help Marketers get started quickly on CMS Hub -- even if they don't have access to development resources.


An Improved Google Doc Import Experience in the Blog Editor

Although you could write your content directly into the blog tool, we know that many of you choose to draft your content in Google Docs, then pull it into HubSpot when you're ready. When you do this, the experience should be quick & easy, and the blog post should look the same in HubSpot as it did in your Google Doc.


Keep Tabs on How Your Content Changes With Activity Logs

Keeping track of all of the changes happening across your website can be a real challenge, especially for larger teams. To solve for this, CMS Hub Enterprise customers could leverage the activity logs API to capture who was making a specific change to your website at any given time.


Introducing CMS Hub Professional & Enterprise

As your company grows, your customers will begin to expect more and more out of your website. To meet your customers' expectations, you might layer on functionality to your existing CMS. You might add tools for security, workflow management, SEO, and lead conversion. Over time, your CMS can become so complex that you’re forced to spend your time managing your systems, instead of focusing on what really matters --- the experience you’re providing your customers.

To take the pain out of managing your website, HubSpot is excited to announce the all new CMS Hub.


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