Here at HubSpot, we’re dedicated to giving you the software, education, and training you need to become an inbound marketing expert.  The new HubSpot Training you’ll find inside your HubSpot account is tailored to help you achieve your inbound marketing goals quickly and easily. You and your team will have access to your favorite HubSpot training classes, marketing workshops, and plenty of helpful resources that you can work through at your own pace.
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HubSpot Training marries the software you love with the help you need.  Live training sessions are delivered throughout the week by our dedicated team of HubSpot Academy professors.  Each professor specializes in a specific area of inbound marketing, and stands ready to help you reach your marketing goals in a personalized way. 

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If you’re looking for help with creating optimized landing pages for converting visitors into leads, Professor Chris LoDolce will walk you through the latest best practices for building, testing, and analyzing your pages. Professor Alan Perlman is an email marketing expert who can help you build campaigns that get opens, clicks, and conversions. Professor Sarah Bedrick’s specialty is helping you determine your 2013 goals and designing marketing campaigns that deliver results. No matter what your skill level, you’ll be able to find the help you need. Each of our classes are clearly organized by skill and product area, allowing you to choose what’s right for you. Log in to your account today to see the full list of topics and schedule.

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All customers have access to HubSpot Training at no additional charge. You can get started today by logging in to your portal and clicking on HubSpot Training in your Academy tab.

Originally published Dec 11, 2012 9:10:00 AM, updated January 17 2023