Cyber Monday is the slightly lesser known version of Black Friday, where online shoppers are rewarded with deep discounts the Monday after Thanksgiving weekend. But shoppers aren’t the only ones reaping the benefits.  Businesses and marketers couldn’t be happier with the extra online activity by consumers ready to spend! 

This Cyber Monday saw big sales increases from 2011, but the real story is mobile: 18% of all online shoppers were using mobile devices - a staggering 70% increase from the previous year! But did you know that when someone does a local mobile search on their smartphone, more than half the time it results in a phone call? Research shows that while consumers browse and research online, they often buy offline or via the phone. 

As a business or marketer, it is extremely beneficial to have the ability to accurately track where those phone calls are coming from, to see which campaigns are working and which aren’t. Enter RingRevenue’s Inbound Call Tracking App, which gives HubSpot customers the power to pinpoint which marketing campaign led to a phone call.  Understanding what offline or online traffic source, or even what keyword translated into a phone call, allows users to seriously analyze their marketing efforts and make adjustments that will improve sales, productivity and ultimately ROI.

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Since its launch in the spring, the app has been instrumental in helping businesses optimize and improve the effectiveness of their marketing strategy. Whether it be from direct mail, email campaigns, or paid search, here are some stories from users that may spark ideas for your own business: 

TMR Direct, a direct mail and inbound marketing company, explains how the inbound call tracking app has been particularly useful for helping track the performance and improve ROI of offline campaigns:

“Previously, there was no good way to measure the success of a direct mail campaign since if someone called in from the ad, we wouldn’t know the source. By placing a different static number for each direct mail campaign, we have been able to analyze the success with the number of calls and the number of visits to the associated landing page.”

Gone are the days of sending an offline campaign into the world and just crossing your fingers it works! 

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Ultimately, businesses want the tools that will positively affect the bottom line. OverGo Studio, an inbound marketing agency, cites how the app enabled them to “prove to a client that he could reduce his AdWords spend from $12,000 per month to $1,500 per month using call tracking.”

By better understanding a campaign’s effectiveness, you can stop wasting money and spend it where it counts. 

In the world of marketing, data is key. Another RingRevenue user, Emphasize Design, uses the app to measure the success of their campaigns, especially in terms of conversions. They explain that RingRevenue adds a measurability that their clients love, especially those clients whose business relies heavily on phone calls, such as the real estate and insurance industries.

For businesses that want to harness the power of the phone , RingRevenue’s Inbound Call Tracking App can help. For more information, find the RingRevenue App at the HubSpot Marketplace, and sign up for your free trial today. RingRevenue is featuring low introductory pricing through the end of the year, so get started today!

Originally published Dec 19, 2012 9:05:00 AM, updated January 17 2023