sxswI’m excited to say that I will be traveling to Austin for SXSWi in a few weeks, arriving the afternoon of March 13. I actually won my conference ticket at a raffle during Boston’s Twestival. How’s that for karma? 

There aren’t too many opportunities when some of the most talented social media folk, marketing celebrities and other talent will be all in the same place. So, I’m scheduling casual meetups for a video interview series for HubSpot’s Inbound Marketing blog. (Which has over 10 thousand subscribers!)

Let me know if you’d like to meet up and be a part of my series. I’ve already set up interviews with Chris Brogan, Tim Street and Aaron Strout, a talented interviewer himself!

I’ll be asking more-or-less the following questions:

1)  What is inbound marketing to you?
2)  What's your favorite or best example of inbound marketing?
3)  What's the funniest or oddest encounter you’ve had online?
4)  Who's your favorite person to follow?

I'm also working on a creative piece that will include video clips from all the folks I meet! (Perhaps for another music video ... )

Please come find me! HubSpot will also be sponsoring the Austin Tweetup on Sunday, March 15th at Aces Lounge.

If you’d like to meet up, email me at rcorliss [at] or @repcor/DM me on Twitter.

See you there!

Originally published Feb 26, 2009 10:16:00 AM, updated January 17 2023


Event Marketing