Today, leading inbound marketing and sales software company, HubSpot, Inc., officially announced that its offices will go completely desk free, making it the first desk-free office environment in the world.

As companies around the globe work to increase workplace collaboration through unique and creative office setups, HubSpot is pushing the alternative office culture to the edge. After successfully implementing standing desks for all employees and experimenting with treadmill desks over the last year, the organization began exploring the possible synergies that could come from removing desks completely and decided to make the shift. The results have been astounding.

Since going desk free, productivity and collaboration among HubSpot employees has doubled. At the same time, rent costs have been cut by 52% and the furniture budget has been sliced by 98%.

All meeting room chairs have been replaced by soft, plush carpet squares, and individual desk spaces have been transformed to accommodate group circles. In addition to the installed carpet squares, all employees will receive a HubSpot pillow that they can use to work from any corner of the office.

“HubSpot is committed to building an environment and a culture that fosters the autonomy, collaboration, and comfort that allows our employees to do their best work,” said HubSpot COO, JD Sherman. “We’re excited and proud to be pioneers of this unique way of thinking about workspace. We may be the first to have a desk-free culture but I can guarantee you we won’t be the last. This a movement that is going to sweep the nation.”

To learn more about HubSpot’s decision to be desk free, visit the HubSpot blog. Use #deskfree to join the conversation and support the desk-free movement on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin.

Originally published Apr 1, 2015 8:00:00 AM, updated January 18 2023

