hackathonWe're a big fan of creating awesome new marketing apps at HubSpot. So much in fact that we've created an entire App Marketplace to house marketing apps within HubSpot. The Marketplace houses some awesome apps from both internal developers and 3rd party developers who write apps working with the HubSpot APIs to integrate with HubSpot customer data and offer some really awesome services on top of the HubSpot marketing stack.

Because of the growth of the Marketplace in HubSpot, we're holding a Hackathon at our headquarters in Cambridge to allow developers to collaborate creating apps on the HubSpot Platform for the marketplace. The event is coming up on Thursday 2/16 at 6pm at HubSpot Headquarters in Cambridge, MA, read more on the Eventbrite page here (please sign up!):

We're also giving out some very special prizes as a part of this Hackathon, including the opportunity to have dinner with Dharmesh Shah, HubSpot CTO and prominent Angel Investor as well as Yoav Shapira, former VP of Engineering at HubSpot and now our VP of Platform Strategy. There's also the opportunity to come in to HubSpot and hack on your app for an afternoon with some awesome HubSpot developers and product folks.  Check out the signup page see how your app can qualify.

While all are welcome to come and check out the event, we are catering to technical folks (developers and designers), but please come by and hangout if you can make it! This event will go late into the night as you might imagine, stay as late as you want of course, but we're also going to be letting any app that goes live within 24 hours of the event qualify for the prizes.

The event will start with a "BarCamp" style ideas session where we'll get all ideas out on the table for the group to mull over, then we're encouraging small groups of developers to get together and build.  You can read all about the HubSpot APIs, marketplace and platform here on our new Developers site:


We'll be proving food and drinks for the event, as well as some cool HubSpot swag for apps that go live at the event. Come hang out with the best developers in Boston and hack apps with us. Hope to see you at the Hackathon!

Originally published Jan 26, 2012 11:04:00 AM, updated January 17 2023