For the last eight years, HubSpot has been on a mission to share the inbound methodology with businesses around the world. We set out to help them grow and reach their customers more effectively by delivering valuable content rather than pushing a one-sided message through traditional channels. With 15,000 customers around the world, it’s clear that the idea has taken hold  and we are more committed than ever to the continued growth of the inbound movement and making sure that our customers they are supported regionally .


One of these key regions is Latin America. As part of HubSpot’s annual global survey on the state of inbound marketing, we surveyed 2,700 marketers in Latin America, where inbound marketing is seeing significant growth. The results? Eye opening, in the best possible way.

According to the survey, 86% of Latin American marketers surveyed were familiar with inbound marketing, and 60% said they practice it today. And it’s working for them. Companies in Latin America using inbound techniques spend 63% less to acquire new leads than those that do not -- making inbound methods a particularly good fit for small and medium-sized businesses that are plentiful in Latin America but have traditionally struggled to compete with larger companies and their marketing budgets.

Latin America is also leading the charge in some key areas of inbound. According to the research, visual and video content are more important in Latin America. When asked about their top priority projects, 17% of marketers in Latin America reported prioritizing visual and video content, compared to 11% of their North American counterparts.

“The opportunity for inbound to continue to grow and spread in Latin America is endless right now,” said HubSpot CEO Brian Halligan. “Latin America is home to many sophisticated businesses moving the needle on creating personalized, integrated, and valuable customer experiences through their marketing and sales efforts and we’re excited to serve them and help them grow.”

For more on HubSpot’s findings across Latin America, you can check out the State of Inbound Latin America report here. For even more specific research on what’s going on in Brazil, you can check out our State of Inbound Marketing Brazil report here. HubSpot also has a Spanish website which you can find here. And, employees, customers, and fans can keep up with the latest from HubSpot in Latin America by reading our Spanish blog, our Portuguese blog and by following us at @HubSpotEspanol on Twitter.

Originally published Jun 10, 2015 11:46:00 AM, updated January 18 2023


growth Region: Latin America