If you collect leads on your website and do any kind of analysis on those leads, your data probably has a single gaping hole: offline leads.
Web-based lead management software helps companies manage the top of their sales funnel, but the software is only as powerful as the data it gets, and it's often missing leads collected outside the system -- at a tradeshow or a webinar, for example.
If outside leads aren't making it into your database, they aren't making it into your analysis. You'll be able to track the effectiveness of your leads generated online, but you'll never have the full picture because you won't know how the leads you track compare to the ones collected outside your system.
HubSpot customers now have a solution to this problem: HubSpot's new leads import function.
Instead of tracking offline and online leads separately, HubSpot customers can upload their leads into HubSpot (see the tab above) in a csv file and have both offline and online leads in the same place.
This means that the next time you go to an event and collect a spreadsheet full of leads, you can load it into HubSpot, tag it with the event tag and then track it in HubSpot.
Once you import your leads into HubSpot, they'll act just like all other leads. If somebody from your conference comes back to the site and leaves their email address after you enter their data into the system, you'll see each of the pages they visited in your lead details view.
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