Brian Halligan SpeakingThe new Inbound Marketing book is absolutely blowing up. We've been teetering around the Top 100 Bestsellers of all books on Amazon, our best peaking at #129. In a nutshell, we're really pleased with our progress.

Due to our success, the authors, HubSpot co-founders Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah, have decided they'd like to add a personal touch for those who show exceptional interest in the book!

The Offer

Either Brian or Dharmesh will speak and share his expertise at your upcoming event, business gathering or company training session for anyone who buys 250 books in lieu of a Dharmesh Shah Speakingtraditional speaking fee. (Not bad! They already speak over 50 times a year at conferences all over the US!) Buy your books here.

And as a last minute push to squeeze into the top Amazon lists *this* week, we'll lower the number of books to 200 for this week only if purchased by October 24.

What do you think? -- When you buy your books, please send a note with proof of purchase to rcorliss [at] hubspot [dot] com, and let's get your gig booked!

View sample presentations by Brian and Dharmesh at

Thanks for your help!

Originally published Oct 22, 2009 11:25:00 AM, updated January 17 2023


Inbound Marketing