We're happy to announce that HubSpot will be hosting the third round of the Tech Hub Foosball League this Wednesday, March 24, at 6:00 p.m. here at the HubSpot office in Kendall Square.
The Tech Hub Foosball League is a multi-week tournament that brings together Boston area techies and innovators and gives them a chance to prove their foosing ability while networking with their peers. The league is helping to stimulate a sense of community amongst Boston area startups by providing a relaxed setting for socialization in our own offices.
The last two games were played at Pinyadda and EchoDitto and were both a blast. We plan to continue this tradition.
For those who haven't made it out yet, everyone is invited, and it's not too late to form a team (single player are also welcome). If you're a techie, work for a startup, or are just looking to network please join us this Wednesday from 6:00pm to 9:00pm at HubSpot HQ in Kendall.
For more information on the Tech Hub Foosball League, vist the offcial Facebook page, follow Tech Hub Fooball on Twitter, or read more and study your opponent's style in these stories from Boston Innovation and MITX.
See you on Wednesday!
(Photo from KylePs80)