HubSpot held its third ever Scrum Science Fair last Thursday. What the heck is a 'Scrum Science Fair,' you ask? Let's tackle this one in two parts:
Scrum: (has nothing to do with rugby in this case) a framework for agile software development intended for management of software development projects, or as a general project/program management approach
Science Fair: a presentation format in which individual scrum teams man their own tables to display their accomplishments/projects/work to interested HubSpotters [think classic middle school science fairs with overflowing volcanoes and solar systems made out of styrafoam, but in a (slightly) more professional setting]
The science fair showcased the work of various HubSpot scrum teams -- from development to marketing to content & community -- during the last sprint (the length of time scrum teams have to complete assigned projects). In HubSpot's case, a sprint lasts approximately one month.
Specifically, scrum teams discuss the goals they set for the previous sprint, demo the projects and programs they implemented and talk about whether they accomplished everything they set out to, at the same time gathering helpful and constructive feedback from other HubSpotters. The science fair is also a great opportunity for the sales and consulting teams to learn about HubSpot's new initiatives.
Take a virtual tour of last week's Scrum Science Fair below, led by HubSpot VP Engineering Yoav Shapira.