Last week, the HubSpot marketing team took advantage of some extra time between sprints to give back to the Greater Boston community.

Marketing Team, Cradles to Crayons

Following a yummy lunch at The Fat Cat in Quincy, the team headed over to Cradles to Crayons, a Quincy-based nonprofit organization that equips homeless and in-need children with the basic essentials they need to feel safe, warm, ready to learn and valued.  Cradles to Crayons partners with social-service organizations in the Boston area to connect communities that have surplus resources -- new or gently used items in good condition -- with communities that desperately need access to those resources. The essentials they collect and distribute include clothing, shoes, school supplies, and much more.

The HubSpot marketing team spent its afternoon at the Cradles to Crayons Giving Factory, where they sorted through clothes and put together clothing packages for children of various age groups. By the end of the afternoon, HubSpot had created clothing packages for a total of 42 children in need.  

Cradles to Crayons Impact Chart

The marketing team is happy to have been a part of helping such a successful and generous non-profit.  Last year, over 16,000 volunteers contributed to the Cradles to Crayons' effort that resulted in the help and support of 45,000 kids.

Slideshow: HubSpot Marketing Team Volunteering at Cradles to Crayons


To get involved with Cradles to Crayons, visit

Follow Cradles to Crayons on Twitter

Originally published Apr 16, 2010 1:19:00 PM, updated January 17 2023


Inbound Marketing HubSpot Culture