conversion rates

It's not every day that a marketer can claim that their landing pages are being looked at and actions are being taken to grow their sales funnel.

But, Hubspot's Marketing Team can state unequivocally that 228 landing pages received over one million views over the past three years, with a total conversion rate (forms completed) of almost 28%.

This is an amazing number when compared to an industry standard of 3% according to research-based publisher, MarketingSherpa.

Why is this interesting? Well, HubSpot's marketing is based on the "Content is King!" theory of information creation and not on the "If we send them enough emails, they will come" plan of action.

Most of the time, marketers create a "One & Done" type of campaign ... for instance, an email blast that the marketer firmly (or hopefully?) believes people will open and then click to the landing page with an offer. And, the offer will be compelling enough for the recipient to take some sort of action. Those rarely work unless it is a highly targeted list, sent to people that want to hear from you, etc. etc. Most marketers know what they are supposed to do from an Outbound perspective. HubSpot doesn't subscribe to the Outbound marketing program, instead focusing on Inbound activities.

If you subscribe to the Inbound Marketing methodology that is the backbone of HubSpot's success, then it might be you writing this blog post next time. Then, we'll be reading about your one million (and counting) landing page views and a phenomenal conversion rate.

Originally published Oct 8, 2009 5:18:00 PM, updated January 17 2023