HubSpot today announced the addition of Conversation Intelligence (CI) to Sales Hub Enterprise and Service Hub Enterprise, representing the latest expansion of its CRM platform for scaling companies. Conversation Intelligence provides a new approach for sales leaders to quickly capture, record, and analyze their team’s call data. Through AI-powered insights and streamlined call coaching, managers can uncover performance patterns and provide specific feedback to improve rep performance. Since Conversation Intelligence is built into HubSpot’s CRM platform, sales leaders can pull insights from their customers’ voices to inform reports, develop strategies, and improve win-rates. 

“One of the biggest challenges facing sales leaders today is understanding their team’s productivity and areas for improvement,” said Lou Orfanos, GM of Sales Hub at HubSpot. “Sales managers don’t have time to listen to 45-minute calls to provide feedback for one person. So, they’re having to blindly trust their gut, instead of trusting the truth about their market and customers. By providing detailed, actionable insights into what’s happening on sales calls, Conversation Intelligence helps leaders address that challenge and set their teams up for success, without having to worry about data entry.”

With Conversation Intelligence in the HubSpot CRM platform, companies can:

  • Uncover the ‘why’ behind team performance with AI-powered insights. Conversation Intelligence eliminates the need for data entry by automatically taking notes and capturing AI-powered insights within a team's calls. Organizations can capture hours of voice data in their CRM to unlock coaching opportunities, quantify competitive trends, surface top objections, and identify changes in market dynamics. They can then use that information to make data-driven decisions to impact deal outcomes and ensure consistency in their sales strategy.

HubSpot conversation intelligence

  • Enable managers to become their team’s favorite coach. Conversation Intelligence enables managers to coach on captured data rather than second-hand accounts to ramp new reps and develop top performers faster. Managers can see all of their team's calls in one place, filter their calls based on call data like team members, and coach more effectively with a new call review experience.
  • Hear their customer’s voices on one platform. Conversation Intelligence data is baked into an organization’s day-to-day operations so that they can collaborate with a complete view of customer interactions. For example, leaders can search for keywords mentioned on calls, like a top competitor or new product name, report on keywords associated with performance, and trigger workflows from keywords mentioned to automate their business. The benefits extend beyond sales: customer service leaders, marketers, product managers, and the rest of the team can finally act on insights from their customers and market.

“Basic call recording didn’t provide us with real tangible information to act on. With HubSpot’s Conversation Intelligence, I can quickly search for specific parts of the call that I’m looking to review. For example, I can identify when a prospect was not interested, and then immediately find a similar deal that was closed-won. Comparing the calls teaches our team how to overcome objections,” said Duane M. Dufault II, head of sales at ClockShark. “The best part is that it’s all on HubSpot’s CRM platform, meaning that I can review the whole account process without having to jump between programs. This allows me to quickly access the information I need for the targeted coaching that we do. As an added benefit, we can share moments from calls where we lost an opportunity to our product and marketing teams so that they can develop functionality and messaging that resonates directly with our customers.”

Effective coaching is the key to success in modern sales organizations. According to the Sales Management Association, businesses that provide optimal sales coaching frameworks enjoy annual growth rates that are about 17 percent higher than companies that neglect coaching. However, despite definitive benefits, according to CSO Insights, 75 percent of sales organizations waste resources due to random and informal coaching approaches. What’s more, evolving workplace conditions have made coaching even more difficult. With call volumes increasing and more employees now working from home, sales leaders face heightened challenges to gain visibility into their team’s performance, and in turn, properly coach their teams. With Conversation Intelligence, leaders can gain insights and capabilities to provide effective and consistent coaching across their scaling teams.

“Our sales and service reps have conversations with prospects and customers every day. We had recordings and even transcriptions of those conversations, but we couldn’t make the data accessible and useful for teams operating with precious time. We started looking for solutions, but they added extra direct and indirect costs,” said Doug Davidoff, founder & CEO at Imagine Business Development. “What made HubSpot’s Conversation Intelligence stand out is that it’s built into the CRM platform. With Conversation Intelligence we can quickly identify and access conversations, which we then use for coaching and improving our sales and service processes. This has given managers better surveillance as their teams work remotely. There is no question that we’re able to review calls at lightning speed and provide better coaching recommendations than ever before.”

Conversation Intelligence is now available in Sales Hub Enterprise and Service Hub Enterprise. 

To learn more about Conversation Intelligence, please visit

Originally published Mar 15, 2021 9:30:00 AM, updated January 19 2023

