At HubSpot, we feel pretty lucky to have such amazing customers. This year at INBOUND 2015, we launched the inaugural HubSpot Customer Awards to highlight and celebrate customers who have achieved remarkable results using HubSpot's marketing platform. Winners were chosen by a panel of HubSpot executive judges and announced during a special customer dinner on Tuesday, September 8.

The award winners were selected from over 150 submissions across five categories: North American Inbound Campaign of the Year, International Inbound Campaign of the Year, Best HubSpot Product Adoption, Content Hub, and Best Marketing ROI Performance.

International Inbound Campaign of the Year

HubSpot’s international customers execute multi-lingual, multi-location and multi-product marketing campaigns with ease and to great effect. The 'International Inbound Marketing Campaign of the Year' award recognizes an international organization who has executed a killer integrated inbound marketing campaign that demonstrates advanced techniques and understanding of inbound marketing.

And, the winner is...

GBM Mexico -- This Mexican financial institution successfully launched their very first inbound marketing campaign and told us their story with a very impressive infographic. Their campaign in just 9 months has resulted in over 5,000 new customers and 32 thousand leads and counting.

North American Inbound Campaign of the Year

HubSpot customers are cutting edge marketers who consistently astound us with their creative and innovative use of HubSpot’s software to achieve their marketing goals. The 'North American Inbound Marketing Campaign of the Year' award recognizes a US or Canadian customer who has executed a killer integrated inbound marketing campaign that demonstrates advanced techniques and understanding of inbound marketing.

And, the winner is…

Dawson McAllister Association -- An organization that launched a Self-Worth campaign which used nearly every single tool in HubSpot to create ebooks, blog posts and content that encourages discouraged teens to seek help. Many of the people they are reaching through this campaign are lost and broken and have now found help with relationships, bullying, suicide and abuse through the Self-Worth campaign and inbound marketing efforts.

Best Product Adoption

HubSpot’s customers are always thinking about the bigger picture and sign-up with scale in mind. The HubSpot Product Adoption award recognizes customers who have successfully adopted new features and tools of the HubSpot platform to impact their business. The winner has the best story of adopting new toolsets or features resulting in the most dramatic growth over time.

And, the winner is…

WorkflowMax -- A company out of New Zealand that started using HubSpot and has adopted nearly every tool in our toolbox from reporting, to integrations to A/B testing - they’re using it ALL. They’ve seen dramatic results in the way they interact with prospects, leads and customers.

Best COS Success Story

HubSpot's COS helps customers adapt their website to their audience in a powerful way. The Best COS Success Story award recognizes a customer who successfully developed and executed a strategy to adopt the COS and create smart content to offer the most personalized web experience possible. The results of using smart content, responsive design in the success story should demonstrate both an increase in traffic and web conversion rates, among others.

And, the winner is…

The Chopping Block -- This company hadn't updated their website in over a decade, it was built using HTML on a custom platform and required a web developer to make even the slightest change. Sparked by the impending fate of Mobilegeddon, they migrated onto the HubSpot COS and never looked back. Since the launch of the new website, blog readership has increased to 2008 blog views in May 2015 alone and overall traffic generation has increased 25% from the same time last year, and it’s undoubtedly only going to go up.

Best Marketing ROI Performance

The symbiotic relationship between sales and marketing is what we like to refer to in HubSpot as ‘Smarketing’. This unique collaboration is best understood through the measurement of return on investment. The HubSpot ROI Award recognises an organisation or individual for results achieved through the effective implementation of an inbound marketing strategy. The winner has demonstrated the impact of their marketing activities on key metrics including website traffic, qualified leads and closed sales.

And, the winner is…

Merge eClinical -- A customer in a highly-specialized industry which makes the pool of prospects for them fairly narrow. Their entire marketing staff is “inbound certified,” and they’ve fundamentally changed the way they operate. They’ve used HubSpot and have seen exponential growth over Q1 and Q2 this year. Growing customer and subscriber base has grown 361% In turn, they have expanded marketing staff from three to eight full-time employees and their software revenue has grown 43% from Q2 2014 to Q2 2015. Because of HubSpot, Q1 and Q2 2015 were the strongest quarters this company’s history.

Originally published Sep 21, 2015 10:23:24 AM, updated September 02 2024