Some days it feels especially good to be a HubSpotter.  Last night the annual charity auction at HubSpot's Cambridge headquarters raised more than $14,000 for local nonprofits. What does a HubSpot Auction consist of you ask? Well, here's a sampling of the auction items:

  • A custom rap manifesto 
  • Scotch O' the Month Club
  • A day of HTML/CSS training
  • Sending a weather balloon into space.
  • Be @HubSpot on Twitter for the day (extra points if you can guess who won this one).
  • Indian Cooking Classes
  • A custom lead nurturing campaign
  • One HubSpotter even auctioned his dog for the day 

The auction featured two local nonprofits (though staff had the option of donating to any cause). You can learn more about either of these nonprofits by clicking the links below. 

Animal Rescue League of Boston

The Animal Rescue League is a non-profit organization dedicated to rescuing domesticated animals and wildlife from suffering, cruelty, abandonment, and neglect.

United Way's Family Fund

United Way's Family Fund helps struggling families make ends meet by assisting with basic needs such as heating, food, and housing, supports 26 local community agencies and last year helped more than 13,000 households and 30,000 children with emergency basic needs and long-term financial stability.

Let us know in the comments how your company is celebrating the holidays and leave us ideas for what we should auction off next year.

Originally published Dec 20, 2012 3:54:00 PM, updated January 17 2023

