As a business blogger, one of my top concerns is SEO. HubSpot's Inbound Marketing Blog is a huge source of search engine referrals, and I want to see it become a bigger source.
Of course, it's a lot of work to make sure every post is optimized. Every day I should be cross referencing my posts with the keywords we're trying to rank for, looking for opportunities to add keywords, and finding places I can boost another page's rank with a good inbound link.
Unfortunately, I rarely get around to all this. Posting on the blog is one thing, but optimizing for search engines is another. As a result, I'm missing a lot of good SEO opportunities.
This week HubSpot is releasing a solution to this problem: the optimize button.
Now, if you publish your blog with Hubspot's blogging software, you can click "optimize", and instantly get feedback on your post's optimization quality. When you click optimize, HubSpot checks the keywords you're trying to rank for, then examines your post to see whether heading, article body and metadata are properly optimized for your keywords.
I've been using the Optimize button for several weeks on the HubSpot blog, and it's a life saver. Our posts are a lot better optimized now.
For more on the optimize button, check out this video overview of HubSpot's blogging software:
Originally published Apr 7, 2009 10:31:00 AM, updated January 17 2023