BtoB Social Media Marketing Awards

We're pleased to announce that HubSpot has received awards for each of the following in the 2010 BtoB Social Media Marketing Awards:

  1. @HubSpot -- Runner-Up for Best Use of Twitter category
  2. -- Runner-Up for Best Closed Community category
  3. HubSpot Internet Marketing Blog -- Runner-Up for Best Corporate Blog category

BtoB kicked off its first social media marketing awards program to honor marketers and agencies for superior use of social media channels. Created by BtoB and sponsored by IDG-the world's largest technology, media, event and research company-the award program was divided into seven categories: best use of Facebook, best use of Twitter, best use of LinkedIn, best use of viral video, best corporate blog, best closed community and best social media integrated campaign (across more than one social channel).

"The time was right to recognize innovative and effective ways to market a company, its products and services across blogs and social networks," said BtoB Publisher Bob Felsenthal.

BtoB magazine provided the following reasons for recognizing HubSpot's achievements:

@HubSpot on Twitter, Runner-Up for Best Use of Twitter

Why we chose it: When you publish a monitoring tool called Twitter Grader, you had better be an expert at using Twitter to its greatest advantage. That's not a problem for HubSpot Inc. While its follower base isn't the largest among social media thought leaders, its creativity in leveraging all the features of Twitter and the inventions of the Twitter community made this entry a standout. Among the innovations that impressed us were the use of Twitter Lists to promote members of the HubSpot team, the inclusion of Twitter in a welcome message package to new blog subscribers and HubSpot's "State of the Twittersphere" reports, which position the company as a thought leader through creative use of the statistics it is already gathering as a byproduct of the Twitter Grader service. Other b-to-b businesses may have collected more followers than HubSpot, but few have demonstrated the creativity that this company has brought to its task. 

HubSpot Internet Marketing Blog, Runner-Up for Best Corporate Blog

Why we chose it: The Web is packed with high-quality blogs about search optimization and Internet marketing, and the quality of content available on them is very high. In that environment, HubSpot Inc.'s achievements in creating a top-tier online presence are all the more remarkable. HubSpot does just about everything right with its blog. It updates frequently, optimizes for strategic keywords, recruits interesting and provocative contributors and promotes its content through every available channel. But it also goes further: The blog is a container for the other kinds of free content HubSpot produces. It provides a central focal point from which visitors can access all the company's rich content. Its record of generating nearly 800 leads and 100,000 visitors per month attests to its strategic value. HubSpot epitomizes the b-to-b principle of "give to get," and its results demonstrate just how powerful generosity and thought leadership can be., Runner-Up for Best Closed Community 

Why we chose it: HubSpot Inc., which develops inbound marketing software, wanted to generate leads and create buzz for its products, as well as develop brand evangelists. So last May it introduced a program around, its online community of marketing professionals. The centerpiece of the online community is Inbound Marketing University (IMU), a free online training center where marketing professionals can take courses and get certified in inbound marketing. The site offers live webinar classes (archived on the site and available on iTunes), an online certification exam and marketing materials for those who pass. HubSpot has promoted IMU through e-mail marketing, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, bloggers and influencers. So far, more than 11,000 registered users and nearly 1,300 professionals have passed the inbound marketing training. The program has succeeded in generating leads for HubSpot and creating brand evangelists, who have started their own LinkedIn and Facebook groups for IMU. 

We'd like to take the opportunity to thank everyone who follows @HubSpot on Twitter; everyone who has read, supported and shared articles from our blog; and everyone who has joined the community and participated in the Inbound Marketing University program.  Our social media channels wouldn't have become so successful without you, and we truly appreciate your past and continued support! 

For a complete list/explanation of BtoB Social Media Marketing Awards winners, visit

To check out HubSpot's other, past award wins, visit our Awards Page.

Originally published Apr 12, 2010 4:32:00 PM, updated January 17 2023

