About the Series

A unique documentary series
Spiraling Up: The Journey to Become a Unicorn is a unique short film documentary series co-produced by HubSpot for Startups and LinkedIn.This series is not a brand “commercial.” Instead, it's an authentic, editorial-style documentary that delves into the lives and learnings of startup founders looking to achieve that elusive status of "Unicorn."
Some have made it.
Others are somewhere along the journey.
But they all have valuable insights and lessons to share.
Casts & Crews
The Making of...
HubSpot co-founder and executive chairman Brian Halligan, and Spiraling Up exec producer Ron Dawson, each share insights about the film series. You will find this 7-minute short deeply inspiring in its own right, and Brian shares personal revelations that changed the whole direction of his life, and Ron shares about the importance of a series like this.