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How SleekFlow Scaled Revenue Generation Solutions with HubSpot

Discover how SleekFlow scaled their revenue generation solutions with HubSpot's support and sales capabilities. See the results of improved efficiency and global customer engagement.


Discover how SleekFlow leveraged HubSpot's exceptional support and sales capabilities to scale their revenue generation solutions. Expanding to six regions, SleekFlow needed a solution that could segment leads, engage customers globally, and integrate with their backend system. HubSpot for Startups offered discounted pricing, allowing them to pilot different capabilities and optimize workflows. Scaling from a team of three to over 150, HubSpot improved email open rates, support efficiency, and enabled quick client engagement. Experience the tremendous results of HubSpot's all-in-one solution for sales and marketing.


Our experience with HubSpot has been exceptional. Imagine a solution to have super support and sales and lock at the same times, that will be the ultimate solution for startups to use.

Hi. I'm Henson, founder of SleekFlow. SleekFlow focuses to help companies on their revenue generation by providing one holistic solutions for payment integration commerce and marketplace integrations.

SleekFlow has expanded to six regions from Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia towards UAE and Brazil.

It's not easy to acquire customers in another continent. How can we segment their lead assigned to salespeople and make sure they got engaged at the right time. As a startup, we want to look for a solution that grows and scales with the company. They also integrate with our backend system and people around the world will be very familiar with it, and that's why HubSpot comes into the place.

HubSpot for startups office discounts to early stage company at different lifecycle of their journey, in which allows us to pilot a lot of different capabilities of the whole hub spot CRM platform, without competing long term, which in the end, the haps up with internal workflow and optimized sales and marketing efficient see. We have scaled from a team of just three to over a hundred and fifty people right now that use HubSpot on a daily basis. From engaging the customer to tracking deals and analyzing results at the same time. It helps with our email operating rate, going up from ten to thirty and since using HubSpot.

It also optimizes our support efficiency by reducing the response time to over eighty percent, and we all want our account executives to get in touch with the clients when they just sign up on the platform. Hubspot helps us by reducing that time and make sure that they are rich within just five to ten minutes. The result of HubSpot as tremendous. This is an all around solution for our sales team leaders and also marketers, help with conversion and revenue generation.