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HubSpot Tech Hub Survey, Q3 2017

See below for our citations and sources for each statistic.

HubSpot Tech Hub Survey, Q3 2017: Bases

  • Berlin
    • Base: 611 consumers who live or work in the metro Berlin area

  • Dublin
    • Base: 689 consumers who live or work in the metro Dublin area

  • London
    • Base: 692 consumers who live or work in the metro London area

  • Paris
    • Base: 597 consumers who live or work in the metro Paris area

  • Amsterdam
    • Base: 497 consumers who live or work in the metro Amsterdam area

Avg net salary


Rent, 1br Apt


# of Accelerators


Cost of a domestic beer (0,5L)


Would leave current job for startup job (%)

HubSpot Tech Hub Survey, Q3 2017

Willing to start a company (%)

HubSpot Tech Hub Survey, Q3 2017

Moved from non-startup to startup

HubSpot Tech Hub Survey, Q3 2017

Early-stage funding, 2015


Willing to take on risk (%)


Cost of a bottle of wine


Cost of a cappuccino


Dream job: starting a company (%)

HubSpot Tech Hub Survey, Q3 2017

Think tech scene is growing in city (%)

HubSpot Tech Hub Survey, Q3 2017

Want to build career in current city (%)

HubSpot Tech Hub Survey, Q3 2017

Think multiple startups will achieve success (%)

HubSpot Tech Hub Survey, Q3 2017

Think tech company can succeed in city economy (%)

HubSpot Tech Hub Survey, Q3 2017

Think city could become center of innovation in the future (%)

HubSpot Tech Hub Survey, Q3 2017

Think tech jobs are growing in city (%)

HubSpot Tech Hub Survey, Q3 2017

Think city has affordable coworking spaces (%)

HubSpot Tech Hub Survey, Q3 2017

Want a fast-paced startup job (%)

HubSpot Tech Hub Survey, Q3 2017

Mobile internet speed (MB/s)


Standard of living


Multicultural diversity (%)


Moved from non-tech to tech

HubSpot Tech Hub Survey, Q3 2017

Late-stage funding, 2015


Internet speed (MB/s)


Positive opinion of entrepreneurs (%)
