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First-Gens in Tech

Created by first-gens for first-gens and designed to help break barriers entering the tech industry.

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About First-Gens in Tech

HubSpot's First-Gens in Tech event is a curated experience exclusively for first-generation individuals interested in learning more about what it really means to work in tech.

After attending our event (now in its ninth year in 2024), you'll not only learn which jobs will help you break into the industry, but also how to ask your imposter syndrome to take the day off (or several) and to gain tips for landing your first job in tech!

Who is considered “first-generation"?
For this event, we consider first-gens to be any person:
  • who was not born in your country of residence OR
  • whose parents were not born in your country of residence OR
  • who is the first in their family to attend college/university OR
  • who is the first in their family to enter the corporate world
We saw the job market in 2023 across many industries, including tech, impacted by global macroeconomic conditions that continue to persist today and also create additional barriers of entry for first-gens looking to break into tech.

To address these ongoing conditions in our world, we are thrilled to introduce a new perspective and exciting updates for this year's event titled "Thriving in Tech: The Power of Adaptability and Resilience for First-Gen Trailblazers."

You can expect that we'll aim to do the following in this year's event:
  • Continue to position attendees to land jobs in the tech industry generally and not just HubSpot itself
  • Provide transparency and insights about recent developments in the tech industry job market
  • Offer advice and perspective to help attendees navigate the job search process in today's market
  • Create more space for first-gens to connect and network, especially with first-gens already in the industry

2024 Featured Speakers

Get to know a few of our 2024 featured speakers.
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Event Recordings

Check out our past First-Gens in Tech event recordings and more content on our HubSpot Life YouTube channel. (2024 event recordings are now available.)

About HubSpot

HubSpot is a leading growth platform on a mission to help millions of organizations grow better. We build the software and systems that empower businesses to transform the way they attract, engage, and delight customers. We’re also building a company culture that empowers people to do their best work through our core values of flexibility, autonomy, transparency, and belonging. If that sounds like something you’d like to be part of, we’d love to hear from you.

You can find out more about our company culture in the HubSpot Culture Code, which has more than 5M views, and learn about our commitment to creating a diverse and inclusive workplace, too. Thanks to the work of every HubSpotter globally who has helped build our remarkable culture, HubSpot has been named a top workplace by Glassdoor, Fortune, Entrepreneur, and more.

Headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts, HubSpot was founded in 2006. Today, thousands of employees work across the globe remotely and in our offices.

Start growing with HubSpot today

Browse our open positions, find a job you love, tell imposter syndrome to take the day off, and apply.