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AI Email Copy Generator

Create marketing emails in minutes with HubSpot's free AI-powered Campaign Assistant.
Generate Email Copy
Generate Marketing Email with Campaign Assistant

AI for email marketing

Emails can jump start a marketing campaign, make sales skyrocket, or help you follow up with potential customersbut drafting and editing them can take up valuable time.

With AI-powered Campaign Assistant, you can generate high-quality emails in minutes for free. You provide a topic, talking points, and choose a tone of voice, and AI will create a compelling email perfect for your next marketing campaign. 

AI description in Campaign Assistant

Emails have never been easier

A strong marketing campaign email can help prospective customers take the final leap to buy your product or service. When an email can make or break a purchase, leveraging AI helps lighten your load.

Figuring out the right promotion for your business is the first step, but how to get the word out is just as important. Stop spending hours writing and re-writing an email, and let AI generate it for you.


Generate Email Copy

What is an AI email generator?

An email generator is an intuitive online tool tailored to simplify the process of composing emails. Utilizing advanced technologies like natural language processing and machine learning, these tools can understand the information you provide and quickly create email content suited to your needs. They offer a variety of templates and customization options, accommodating different communication styles and preferences.

How to use HubSpot’s AI Email Generator

Step 1: Sign up or log inCampaign Assistant AI email generator sign up screen

Start by signing up or logging into your HubSpot account to access Campaign Assistant’s AI Email Copy Generator. Once logged in, you'll be directed to your dashboard, where you can access the AI email feature.

Step 2: Input email details

Enter the necessary information for your email. This includes the email campaign description, the purpose of the email, and key points or topics you want to cover. Providing clear and detailed information here helps the AI create more accurate and relevant content.

Step 3: Generate email

Click the 'Generate content' button. The AI will use the information you've provided to create a draft email. This draft will serve as a base for your final email.

Step 4: Refine as needed

Review the AI-generated draft and make any necessary adjustments. Personalize the content to better reflect your tone, style, and the specific needs of your recipient. 

If the initial output doesn't quite meet your expectations, you have the option to regenerate the content for a different result. Keep tweaking until you're satisfied with the email. 

Step 5: Copy or further customize in HubSpot

After finalizing your email, choose either to "Copy" the text for use elsewhere or click "Go to Your Marketing Email" to load your content into a HubSpot template. 

In HubSpot, you can further edit your email to look more aesthetically pleasing and also have options to send it immediately and schedule it as part of your email campaign. This step provides a straightforward way to integrate your AI-generated content into your broader email marketing efforts.

Generate Email Copy

What sets HubSpot's AI Email Generator apart?

HubSpot's AI Email Generator stands out as an advanced tool for crafting emails. HubSpot’s AI understands the context, tone, and intent of your message, ensuring a high level of accuracy and effectiveness in generating emails. 

Here are some key features that set HubSpot’s AI email generator apart from the competition:

Advanced natural language processing

Our tool's advanced natural language processing goes beyond mere keywords. It comprehensively understands context, tone, and intent, resulting in emails that feel natural and authentic.

How Campaign Assistant AI generator works

Integrated call to action (CTA) details

A key practice for creating effective business emails is to incorporate a call to action (CTA). HubSpot's tool simplifies this by enabling you to input details for your CTA, which it then uses to automatically generate compelling calls to action that are customized to fit your content.

Campaign Assistant email generator call to action input

Seamless integration with HubSpot's ecosystem

With the tools integration into HubSpot, managing your emails becomes simpler and more efficient. You can save your emails, effortlessly format and edit them, and even schedule them for sending, all within the HubSpot platform. This makes your email tasks smoother and more streamlined, without the need for juggling multiple tools.

Campaign Assistant create free marketing email within HubSpot

Benefits of using HubSpot’s AI Email Generator

HubSpot’s AI email generator is particularly valuable for individuals—like marketers or business builders— who seek to create professional-looking emails. Users can specify the content they want in their emails, and the tool offers a range of options to ensure the final product aligns with their desired tone, language, and content needs. This adaptability helps ensure that the emails effectively engage the intended audience.

Enhanced efficiency in email drafting

HubSpot's AI technology significantly streamlines the email creation process. It enables rapid generation of content, allowing professionals to devote more time to strategic initiatives and less on manual email composition, thereby optimizing overall workflow efficiency.

Effective lead conversions

In marketing, the impact of an email is crucial for turning prospects into customers. HubSpot's AI excels at crafting persuasive and focused emails, which boosts the chances of converting leads into sales. This enhancement significantly improves the overall effectiveness of your marketing campaigns.

Creative and compelling content

HubSpot's AI takes email creation to the next level, adding a creative and engaging touch to your messages. This method makes sure your emails are not just informative but also truly captivating, ensuring they grab attention in a busy inbox.

Consistency in brand communication

The AI tool aids in maintaining a uniform tone and style across all email communications. This consistency is key in reinforcing a professional brand image, ensuring that every message aligns with your brand’s identity and values.

Generate Email Copy

Tips for maximizing HubSpot’s AI Email Generator's potential

Customization is key

Always add a personal touch to the AI-generated content. Remember, AI provides a great starting point, but it's your unique voice and style that truly connect with your audience. Tweak the language to match your brand's tone and add personal anecdotes or references that resonate with your readers.

Make full use of HubSpot integrations

HubSpot provides a variety of integration features to boost your email campaigns. You can save drafts for later and schedule emails for specific times. Our user-friendly drag-and-drop editor makes it easy to format your emails and add videos, images, and CTAs right within HubSpot. These tools help streamline your workflow and ensure your emails are effective and align with your email marketing strategy.HubSpot email drag and drop editor

Experiment with different drafts

Don't be afraid to try out different versions of your email. The AI Email Generator can produce various drafts, giving you options to choose from. Creating multiple versions helps in identifying the most effective message. It's a process of trial and error that can lead to discovering the most engaging and persuasive way to communicate with your audience.

By following these tips, you can effectively leverage HubSpot's AI Email Generator to create emails that are not only efficient and professional but also personalized and aligned with your marketing objectives.


Business use cases of HubSpot’s AI Email Generator

Many businesses can leverage HubSpot’s AI Email Generator to craft compelling emails for marketing campaigns. This includes creating targeted promotional messages, newsletters, and product launch announcements. Here’s how businesses can use HubSpot’s AI email generator to get the most out of their email marketing campaigns.

Content for email marketing automation

For businesses utilizing email marketing automation, the AI Email Generator can create emails for marketing campaigns. These emails can be used to nurture leads over time, providing them with valuable information and keeping them engaged with the brand.

Sales prospecting emails

In sales, the initial contact with a potential customer is crucial. The AI tool can assist in creating personalized prospecting emails that are tailored to the interests and needs of each prospect. This personalized approach can increase the likelihood of engagement and move prospects further down the sales funnel.Campaign Assistant AI email generator sales prospecting example

Event promotion

For businesses promoting events, the AI Email Generator can create compelling invitations and promotional emails. These emails can be tailored to highlight key event details or benefits of attending the event.Campaign Assistant AI email generator event promotion example

Product launch communications

When launching a new product, HubSpot’s AI email copy generator can help create emails to build anticipation, provide information, and encourage purchases. Based on the information you input, this can include teaser emails, launch announcements, and follow-up content to maintain interest.Campaign Assistant AI email generator product launch example

Why they chose HubSpot's free AI Email Generator

Not just any business email writing generator — the right one for your needs:

"Great app with lots of useful features"

"An invaluable asset for any organization looking to elevate its marketing and sales strategies to the next level!"

"This is a great tool for sales and marketing!"

And you?

What do you think of our AI-generated emails? We'd love to hear your thoughts.

man on computer

Embrace the Future of Communication

Your emails deserve to be more than words on a screen—let HubSpot’s AI help you make a lasting impression. Sign up today and unlock the potential of AI for impactful email communication!

Generate Email Copy

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Email copy is the written text that is placed within an email. The written text explains the product or service you're selling, or the information you want to explain to your audience.

  • AI email copy generators, allow you to save time on email creation. Rather than manually writing marketing emails, you can instruct the AI what to talk about, and it will create email copy for you.

  • Campaign Assistant is HubSpot's AI-powered tool that allows you to create landing page copy, marketing email copy, and ad copy for your next marketing campaign. You provide information about your campaign, choose a tone of voice that resonates with your brand, and select which type of asset you want to generate, and the tool will produce either a landing page, email, or ad. 

    If you care most about email copy, but would also like ad or landing page copy to accompany your email campaign, Campaign Assistant can create cohesive messaging in just a few clicks. 

  • You can start using Campaign Assistant in Public Beta by clicking the "Generate Email Copy" buttons on this page. You'll be directed to the tool from these buttons.

    Once in the tool, you'll create a HubSpot account or login to your existing HubSpot account. This will allow you to utilize Campaign Assistant's AI.