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Inbound 2016 Reporting Session

Find the reports we walked through below....

Who gets it
Questions it answers
How can I get started?
Marketing Dashboard
Basic, Pro, Enterprise
From a high level, how's my marketing doing?
Sources Report
Basic, Pro, Enterprise
Which channels are bringing the most visits, contacts, customers?
Web analytics dashboard
Basic, Pro, Enterprise
How effective is my website at engaging visitors?
Attribution reports
Pro (lite), Enterprise (full)
What paths do people take on the way to specific conversions on my website? Which pages and sources contribute the most to conversions?
List analytics
Pro, Enterprise
Is a certain segment growing or shrinking? How are the contacts in that segment engaging?
Contacts reports
Enterprise, Add-on
Who are these people in my database, really? How do they break down, over time, around the most important properties? (e.g. break down contacts from webinar list by persona, industry, etc.)
CRM Dashboard
HubSpot CRM Users
From a high level, how's my sales team doing?
Custom deals reports
Reporting Add-on
How efficiently do my reps close deals? Where are deals getting bottlenecked? Where are my best deals coming from?

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