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Advanced Inbound Success Training
Price: $7,000
Setting: Phone/Webinar
Level: Advanced

Advanced Inbound Success Training Helps Your Team Implement and Execute an Inbound Strategy

Advanced Inbound Success Training is designed for a larger marketing team looking to integrate inbound into their existing marketing systems.  Like the Inbound Success Training, you will have an Inbound Marketing Consultant working directly with you to create a plan based off of the inbound methodology, but with double the amount of consulting time. You will also have access to a technical consultant who will help bridge the gap between you and your IT team.

This Training Is for You If:

  • You are a new customer or HubSpot user. 
  • You need to integrate HubSpot with your existing CRM or other marketing technology.
  • You understand marketing and the basic concept of inbound but need strategic and technical help.

Walk Away with Your Systems Integrated and a Full Understanding of the HubSpot Software

Not only will we save you time with technical setup, but we will also be able to help you form, execute, and achieve your inbound strategy and marketing goals. This will help you focus on ramping up quickly and executing your first campaigns effectively.

Want More Details?

Estimated completion of this training is about 90-120 days.  Click here for an example of what your inbound plan might look like. Don't forget that as a HubSpot customer you will have full access to all of HubSpot support to help you if you get stuck along the way.

Expiration: 120 days from purchase

You can also view the HubSpot official services description: Click Here

"The entire HubSpot family was very helpful and knowledgeable. Our consultant is extremely passionate about her work, and she genuinely wanted myself as a marketer, as well as our entire company to succeed."
-Justin Headley, CubiScan