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Kuntze Grows Its Team 66% with the HubSpot CRM Platform

As a result of implementing HubSpot, Kuntze has been able to onboard team members more easily, grow its team 66%, and deliver customer service that is best-in-class.

  • 66% Team Growth


Kuntze Instruments is a leader in water analysis instrumentation and innovation. Its sensors and measurement systems are used in a wide variety of industries, including food, petrochemical, and more.


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Switching from Zendesk and Pipedrive

Kuntze Instruments’ USA sales, marketing and service teams were fragmented across two separate platforms: Zendesk for customer support and Pipedrive for deal management

Cobbling these platforms together led to inefficiencies. Team members had to jump back and forth from one platform to another to complete tasks, which built internal resistance to collaboration among teams.

“No one wants to be told you have to go here to do this and then go over there to do that,” says Hannah Blinn, Project Manager at Kuntze Instruments USA. 

Not having one central view of customers also limited insights and functionality. For example, Zendesk tickets couldn’t be associated with Pipedrive deals, which created a disconnect in understanding the customer.

Having different functions on separate platforms was also getting in the way of hiring and onboarding new team members. Mastering multiple platforms wasn’t easy and it blurred the lines between team roles.

“We hesitated to hire new people because we knew getting people up to speed was going to be a challenge,” says Hannah. “It was messy, and we didn’t want to throw someone new into the middle of it.”

So Hannah started looking for an alternative solution for customer service. Kuntze Instruments had already moved from Pipedrive to HubSpot Sales Hub and Marketing Hub, so Hannah started her search with HubSpot. And although Hannah also evaluated other solutions, she kept coming back to HubSpot Service Hub to replace Zendesk.

“For a small company like us, it really makes sense to have everything on the HubSpot CRM Platform,” says Hannah. 

A Streamlined Tech Stack Powered by HubSpot CRM Platform

Today, Kuntze Instruments USA has streamlined its tech stack all within the HubSpot CRM platform, including Content Hub Enterprise for content management. 

As a result, it no longer suffers from the inefficiencies of having teams and data divided across multiple user interfaces and has one source of truth for all its core functions.  

Knowledge base of articles  

Kuntze Instruments is using Service Hub to collect frequently asked questions and transform them into a robust, search optimized knowledge base of help articles and documentation. 

This knowledge base makes it easier for sales, marketing and service to respond to and resolve inquiries quickly and efficiently. Moreover, it provides customers and prospects with a self-serve library of content always at their disposal.

Having the knowledge base on HubSpot CRM, as opposed to the Zendesk platform, has also led to a better experience for the team. 

“Having that central place for content, and having it accessible to everyone, helps us solve support issues faster than we ever could before,” says Hannah. 

Easier employee onboarding 

With only one platform to learn, employee roles are more clearly defined and onboarding is much easier. As a result, Kuntze Instruments has been able to hire more team members because they were confident they could get everyone up to speed quickly,

By expanding its team, Kuntze Instruments overcame a major hurdle to business growth.  

“Being able to segment functions into roles, and hire new employees to step into those roles, may not sound like a big deal,” says Hannah, “but for a small company like us, it really is. No one struggled to find information because it’s no longer spread out all over the place.”

Templates and snippets for personalized responses

Similarly, Kuntze Instruments uses automation such as templates and snippets to increase productivity and ensure consistency when responding to customer questions. Many questions are repetitive, so teams can  craft personalized responses without having to recreate them from scratch every time. This has resulted in a time gain of about seven hours a week.

“One of our team members would spend one or two hours a day on the phone answering customer questions,” says Hannah. “Now he can quickly send articles with the exact information the customer needs.”

Kuntze Instruments is also using automation as part of its ticket routing for customer support. When customers complete the “submit a ticket” form in the knowledge base, that ticket is automatically created in Kuntze’s technical support pipeline and assigned to the right area for resolution.

Workflows for lead management

Kuntze Instruments is also using workflows to manage and nurture leads while increasing the efficiency of its growing team.  

“We use workflows to send out content, which has totally simplified our deal pipeline,” says Hannah. “It’s allowed us to expand our marketing while keeping our team lean.” 

Kuntze Instruments is also putting QR codes on its analytical instruments. If customers need help, they can scan the code and be directed to support content for that instrument. 

“Flyers, handouts and manuals don’t cut it anymore,” says Hannah. “Our customers love having this level of support, and we’re leading the industry in this space. 

Improving Customer Service and Growing its Team by 66%

By having sales, marketing, service and content management on the HubSpot CRM Platform, Kuntze Instruments has a much smoother handoff across teams. 

Customer service is also saving hours in phone calls by using the knowledge base to send customers the exact information they need when they need it. 

Kuntze Instruments has also been able to onboard new team members, growing from three full time employees to five. 

Hannah is thrilled with the move from Zendesk to HubSpot for customer service and looks forward to doing even more with the HubSpot CRM platform, including further leveraging customer service tickets.

“HubSpot has proven to be the digital engine to Kuntze Instruments’ marketing, sales and support digitization needs,” says Andrew Barker, President at Kuntze Instruments, USA. 

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