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VirtaMed Streamlines Its Lead Nurturing with HubSpot

VirtaMed develops and produces some of the most realistic surgical simulators in the marketplace. The company wanted an all-in-one platform that would allow it to centralise and leverage its lead intelligence. With HubSpot, VirtaMed personalized its email outreach, increased its email interaction rates and improved how its marketing and sales teams work together.

  • 39% increase in traffic

  • 18% increase in organic traffic


Founded in 2007, VirtaMed is a Swiss company that develops and produces highly realistic surgical simulators for medical training. Its virtual reality training tools provide a risk-free environment for trainees to learn and practice a range of endoscopic interventions on a variety of anatomies.


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Seeking to Personalise the Buyer’s Journey

VirtaMed has grown considerably since it was founded by a group of PhD students in 2007. It is a company that prides itself on being cutting edge and wants to be sure that it was effectively nurturing its leads.

“We were using a lot of different point solutions – too many! We were using multiple tools for both lead intelligence and email management, none of which were synced to our CRM. That made personalising campaigns difficult, and we had to use Excel sheets to alert our salespeople to hot prospects,” explains Ronald Suhner, Marketing Manager with VirtaMed.

It was clear that the company needed an all-in-one platform that would allow it to join up its activities. It evaluated several, including Marketo, but it was the most impressed by the HubSpot Growth Stack.

“The combination of the HubSpot marketing, CRM and sales software was exactly what we were looking for. With HubSpot Marketing Hub, we would be able to get to know our leads on a deeper level and use those insights to nurture them in a more targeted way. HubSpot CRM was also a major attraction. For the first time, our sales and marketing teams would be working from the same page, sharing contacts, lead data and reports.”

The “plug-and-play” nature of the solution was important to VirtaMed, as it didn’t want to waste much time on implementation and learning the tool.

“We discounted other platforms because we knew that it would take ages to customise them. With the HubSpot Growth Stack, that wasn’t an issue. We were also impressed by all the guidance and support that HubSpot offered! We signed up in 2017.”

Aligning Marketing and Sales

VirtaMed demonstrates its simulators at major medical conferences around the world, which allows it to collect many leads.

“We get plenty of foot traffic to our booths; we’re producing exciting products, and people are keen to view and try them. However, that does mean that we get a good number of low-quality leads that aren’t going to convert. With our initial email campaigns, we can quickly determine who is a genuine prospect and who isn’t,” says Ronald.

Once the best leads are identified, VirtaMed nurtures them with personalised campaigns that are designed to move them through the funnel. Hubspot helps their  marketing team and their sales team work together to get the relevant information to the right people at the right time.

“With the email dashboard, we can see our open rates and click-through rates, and we use HubSpot analytics to see where our leads went on our website and what they were interested in. That allows us to refine our communications and content continually.”

“It’s helping us to bring our sales and marketing teams closer together. We have a single source of truth for lead intelligence, and our salespeople have a new appreciation for what our marketing department does. They have so much more information on their prospects now, and they can also use HubSpot Sales Hub to automate and prioritise their outreach and close more deals.”

Ronald has been pleasantly surprised by how easy it has been to embed the HubSpot software into VirtaMed’s daily activities.

“Our HubSpot customer success manager has been supportive. It’s clear that she wants us to be successful. She highlights new things that we could be doing and also helps with our high-level strategy. The HubSpot support team is superb as well. They are there whenever we need them, and they have successfully resolved every issue that we’ve ever had.”

Deeper Insights and Engaged Prospects

Since signing up with HubSpot, VirtaMed has been able to streamline and centralise it's lead nurturing process considerably. Website traffic has increased by 39%, while organic traffic is up by 18%.

Our email interaction rates have significantly increased, and we have a much better view of what our prospects are interested in and what their pain points are. That’s incredibly valuable. The data from HubSpot analytics also allows us to keep adjusting and  improving our campaigns so that we can drive leads through the funnel in a quicker, smoother way.”

Ronald believes that HubSpot is going to play an essential role in VirtaMed’s future success.

“I’m excited to keep growing with HubSpot. It’s a forward-moving company that is constantly innovating – exactly the kind of organisation that we want to be partnered with.”

  • The combination of the HubSpot marketing, CRM and sales software was exactly what we were looking for. With HubSpot Marketing Hub, we would be able to get to know our leads on a deeper level and use those insights to nurture them in a more targeted way. HubSpot CRM was also a major attraction. For the first time, our sales and marketing teams would be working from the same page, sharing contacts, lead data and reports.

    Ronald Suhner

    Marketing Manager

  • We discounted other platforms because we knew that it would take ages to customise them. With the HubSpot Growth Stack, that wasn’t an issue. We were also impressed by all the guidance and support that HubSpot offered! We signed up in 2017.

    Ronald Suhner

    Marketing Manager

  • We get plenty of foot traffic to our booths; we’re producing exciting products, and people are keen to view and try them. However, that does mean that we get a good number of low-quality leads that aren’t going to convert. With our initial email campaigns, we can quickly determine who is a genuine prospect and who isn’t.

    Ronald Suhner

    Marketing Manager

  • With the email dashboard, we can see our open rates and click-through rates, and we use HubSpot analytics to see where our leads went on our website and what they were interested in. That allows us to refine our communications and content continually.

    Ronald Suhner

    Marketing Manager

  • It’s helping us to bring our sales and marketing teams closer together. We have a single source of truth for lead intelligence, and our salespeople have a new appreciation for what our marketing department does. They have so much more information on their prospects now, and they can also use HubSpot Sales Hub to automate and prioritise their outreach and close more deals.

    Ronald Suhner

    Marketing Manager

  • I’m excited to keep growing with HubSpot. It’s a forward-moving company that is constantly innovating – exactly the kind of organisation that we want to be partnered with.

    Ronald Suhner

    Marketing Manager

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