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HubSpot Accreditation Standards

Accreditations are how HubSpot validates and credentials our partners on specific areas of expertise. Thus, accredited partners must deliver successful outcomes for their customers and uphold the standards outlined below.

Universal Standards


Universal standards govern the overall rules for maintaining any accreditation. Solutions partners meet the universal benchmark requirements at all times to maintain an accreditation.

Not meeting the universal standards benchmarks can result in a revocation of accreditations. Solutions partners should expect to be evaluated every six months from the issue date of their accreditation to ensure they continue to meet these universal benchmarks. Universal standards include tier, certifications, and marks on record


Partners must be platinum, diamond or elite to apply for and retain an accreditation. Tier qualifications for accreditations are reviewed in January and June. Solutions partners who fall below the platinum tier may be provided a grace period to remediate. In the event they are unable to tier back up to Platinum, they will no longer be eligible for accreditations.


Partners must adhere to the certification prerequisites to retain accreditation. Depending on the individual accreditation, each may require additional certifications.

Marks on Record

Partners with more than three marks on their record will undergo a review by the accreditation review board before their accreditation can be renewed. The board’s determination with director-level approval may lead to the loss of HubSpot accreditations. Learn more below.

Escalation and Marks on Record Process

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The process begins when a complaint is surfaced by a customer to a HubSpot employee concerning a partner. 

Step Objective: The primary objective of the HubSpot CS and Service members is to work with the partner to resolve these complaints efficiently, aiming to avoid further escalation.

Outcome: If the HubSpot CS is unable to resolve the complaint for the customer, the Service Acceleration Team will be asked to mediate between the customer and the partner in order to reach a mutually accepted solution. The PDM will be informed and kept updated on the process.

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If circumstances require a more intricate resolution strategy, the HubSpot Service Acceleration Team will oversee a process to foster alignment between the customer and partner for mutual success. 

Step Objective: This process may involve solutions such as the partner agreeing to make the customer whole, or the customer agreeing to extend its agreement with the partner to include more services needed to complete the project.

Outcome: If the Service Acceleration Team cannot reach a mutually beneficial solution, then the complaint will be escalated to the Partner Ops team for further investigation and a decision will be reached.

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Partner Ops Escalation

Step Objective: If mediation does not resolve the issue, the Review Board consisting of Partner Operations Personnel will be informed, triggering an investigation into the situation and its financial consequences per the rules defined in the Partner Code of Conduct

Outcome: In cases where fault lies with the partner, Partner Operations will leverage a decision-making rubric to determine responsibility.

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Mark on Record Review Board

In cases where fault lies with the partner, Partner Operations will leverage a decision-making rubric to determine responsibility.

Step Objective: Determine whether or not the partner will receive a Mark on their record. 

Outcome: If the partner is found responsible, a mark will be placed on their record. Only scenarios resulting in this outcome will have potential implications for a partner's accreditation status. Note, in cases where a very serious infringement occurs, this will result in an immediate escalation to the review board for review.

What is a Mark on Record and how does it impact accreditations?

A mark on a record only occurs after the fourth step: when the review board's decision determines that the partner was at fault. Note: the expectation is that the majority of complaints will be solved during the mediation process and will not reach the review board.

  1. No change in accreditation status, eligible for automatic renewal: Partners with less than three marks on their record can be eligible for an automatic renewal of their accreditation(s). 

  2. Change in accreditation status, not eligible for automatic renewal without further review: Partners with more than three marks on their record within the 24-month accreditation renewal window cycle will undergo a review by the accreditation review board before their accreditation(s) can be renewed. Note: not all marks on records are equal and in cases where more serious infringement occurs immediate action will be taken after it is reviewed by the review board.


The review board will consist of CS and Services, Academy, and POPS leaders. Once a partner is recommended for a review process, the review board will conduct an anonymized review process where the partner’s name is removed to ensure fairness so the partner's performance can be evaluated. They will make a recommendation on whether to revoke or renew a partner's accreditations.


- The board’s determination with director-level approval may lead to the loss of HubSpot accreditations. HubSpot Legal can be consulted upon any determination that an accreditation should be removed or suspended.


- Partners who have lost their accreditations will not be eligible to reapply for any accreditation for a period of six months.


- Accredited partners will have accreditations removed prior to further action being taken against their partner tier and/or their position within the partner program, per the partner code of conduct.  Non-accredited partners receiving complaints will follow the same process as outlined but the review board will determine any action taken in accordance with the partner code of conduct.

Standards FAQs

  • Partners with three marks on record within an 24-month period will undergo an accreditation review by the accreditations review board.

  • A review board consisting of CS and Services,  Academy, and POPS leaders will conduct an anonymous review process to evaluate each scenario and the partner's performance. They will make a recommendation on whether to revoke or renew a partner's accreditations. The board’s determination with director-level approval may lead to the loss of HubSpot accreditations.

  • Partners who have lost their accreditations will not be eligible to reapply for any accreditation for a period of 6 months.

  • Partners who have lost their accreditations will be removed from all accredited partner programs like PSO, Co-delivery, DFIM, Upmarket Referral, and any other accredited partner-specific opportunity. 

  • Details and timelines will in an email to the partner point of contact when the review process has begun and then the final decision is made.

  • Your PDM will be the best resource to answer any questions you have regarding performance and compliance.

  • Yes, we welcome you to provide your feedback here.

  • You may email accreditations@hubspot.com anytime with further questions.