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AI Facebook Ad Copy Generator

Draft compelling copy in minutes with HubSpot's free AI tool for crafting standout Facebook ads.
Generate Facebook Ad Copy
Generate Facebook Ad in Campaign Assistant

Elevate your Facebook campaigns with AI Facebook ad copy

Facebook is the most popular social media platform marketers are using in 2023, and it has the best ROI compared to every other platform according to the 2023 State of Marketing Report. However, in the competitive realm of Facebook advertising, efficiency is key.

With Campaign Assistant, you can bypass writer’s block and let AI generate compelling Facebook ad copy for you—giving you more time to hone, refine, and perfect your ads.

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Simplify Facebook ad copywriting

HubSpot’s AI-powered Campaign Assistant eliminates the tedious process of manual ad copy creation, delivering compelling content quickly. Simply outline your ad’s goal, add keywords, pick a writing style, and Campaign Assistant will generate Facebook ads that will effectively engage with your target audience.

How Campaign Assistant works for Facebook Ad-1

Targeted Facebook ad copy for every audience

With HubSpot's Campaign Assistant, you can create targeted Facebook ad copy for your audience. Whether you're engaging past customers, capturing leads, or converting first-time visitors, our AI Facebook Ad Generator empowers you to craft ad copy that speaks to your audiences.
Generate Facebook Ad Copy

What is an AI Facebook ad generator?

An AI Facebook ad generator streamlines the ad-writing process by using the information you provide to automatically generate custom ads.

Tools like HubSpot’s AI Facebook Ad Generator take this a step further by utilizing inputs such as your key message, campaign description, and brand tone. This approach not only ensures that the ad content is relevant to your marketing campaign goals but also consistent with your brand's voice and messaging.

How to use HubSpot’s Facebook Ad Generator

HubSpot's Facebook Ad Generator, also known as Campaign Assistant, makes creating ad copy quick and easy. It uses the power of AI to understand your brand based on the information you provide. Then, it generates Facebook ad copy that suits your marketing campaign needs. 

Here's a simple way to start using HubSpot’s Facebook Ad Generator to its fullest potential:

Step 1: Sign up or log inCampaign Assistant Facebook Ad Generator sign up screen

Either sign up or log into your HubSpot account to use Campaign Assistant’s Facebook Ad Generator. Once you're in, head over to your dashboard where you can utilize the AI Facebook Ad Copy Generator feature.

Step 2: Input your campaign goals

Begin by entering your campaign’s key talking points into the Facebook ad generator. Whether you aim to increase brand awareness, drive website traffic, or boost sales, clearly stating what you want your audience to know helps the AI create ads that are relevant and targeted.

Step 3: Define your key messages

Identify the unique message you want to convey to your audience about your product or service. These key messages should highlight what sets you apart from your competition. For example, if you’re a finance management software company, your key messages might include “easy budget tracking and expense management” or “secure and user-friendly interface”.

Step 4: Select your brand's tone

Choose a tone for your ads that reflects your brand's personality, such as professional, friendly, or witty. Consistency in tone is key for building a strong brand identity.

Step 5: Refine and personalize

The tool will generate Facebook ad copy based on the information you provided. You can then refine this copy, adding your unique ideas and details to make the ads more personalized and aligned with your specific campaign goals.

Step 6: Review and publish

Once you're satisfied with the customized ad copy, review it for any final adjustments. Then, you can copy the content to use on Facebook or connect your Facebook ad account to publish through HubSpot.

Generate Facebook Ad Copy

Benefits of using HubSpot’s Facebook Ad Generator

Streamlined ad creation process

HubSpot’s Facebook Ad Generator not only speeds up the ad creation process but also offers flexibility. If the initial ad copy doesn't meet your expectations, you can easily regenerate it with just a few clicks. This feature ensures that you can quickly produce and refine ad content until it perfectly aligns with your campaign goals. 

Who knew creating Facebook ad copy could be so fast and adaptable?

Easy to use

This tool is great for expert copywriters, marketing beginners, and everyone in between. It guides users through the process of creating effective ad copy, simplifying the task significantly. 

With its intuitive interface and helpful prompts, the Facebook Ad Generator makes writing compelling ads accessible to everyone, regardless of their experience in marketing or copywriting.

Optimized for conversions

HubSpot’s Facebook Ad Generator helps you drive conversions by incorporating a call-to-action within your ad. 

Without a CTA, your ad would not produce a sale, sign-up, or exploration into your products. By strategically focusing on CTAs, the tool enhances your potential for converting viewers into engaged customers.

Who can benefit from using HubSpot’s AI Facebook Ad Generator?


For startups, the Facebook Ad Generator is a game-changer. It enables them to craft impactful ads that effectively showcase their brand and products. Not only is it efficient, but it's also cost-effective, making it a perfect fit for startups operating on limited budgets. This way, they can reach a wide audience without needing a large marketing budget.

Small business owners

For those running small businesses, resources like time and marketing budgets are often limited. HubSpot’s Facebook Ad Generator allows them to create high-quality ads quickly and affordably, helping to level the playing field with larger competitors.

Marketing professionals

Marketing experts can use this tool to enhance their productivity and creativity. It helps generate fresh ideas allowing professionals to focus on strategy and analysis rather than ad creation.

E-commerce brands

E-commerce businesses can benefit from the tool's ability to create targeted and conversion-focused ads. This helps drive online sales and promote specific products effectively.

Generate Facebook Ad Copy

Use cases for HubSpot’s AI Facebook Ad Generator

Product launches

When introducing a new product to the market, HuSpot's Facebook Ad Generator can quickly create captivating ads that highlight key features and benefits. This is ideal for generating buzz and attracting early adopters.

Seasonal promotionsCampaign Assistant Facebook ad seasonal promotion example

For seasonal sales or holiday promotions, the tool can tailor ads to reflect the specific theme of the season, be it Summer deals or end of year specials. This helps in capturing the mood of the audience and boosting sales during peak seasons.

Event promotion

Whether it’s a webinar, workshop, or an in-person event, the Facebook Ad Generator can craft compelling invitations and reminders. By targeting the right audience, it can increase registrations and attendance.

Brand awareness campaigns

For businesses looking to build or enhance their brand presence, the tool can produce ads that consistently communicate the brand's message, values, and story, helping to establish a stronger brand identity.

Tips for using HubSpot’s AI Facebook Ad Generator

Align with your marketing objectives

Start by clearly defining your marketing goals. For example, if your goal is to increase online sales, you can use the AI to generate ads that highlight your best-selling products or special promotions. 

On the other hand, if your aim is to boost brand awareness, you might input key talking points related to highlighting your brand's story or values. This way, your Facebook ads will not only grab attention but also drive the right kind of traffic to your site that aligns with your business's marketing objectives.

Focus on creativity and personalization

After the AI drafts your ad, take some time to tweak it. For example, if the AI generates an ad for your coffee shop, you might add a personal story about how the shop started or highlight a unique coffee blend you offer. This personal touch can make a big difference, making your ad stand out and feel more genuine to your audience.

Regularly track and analyze ad data

It's important to consistently monitor the performance of your ads. For example, if you find that an ad promoting a seasonal product line is receiving a high number of clicks and engagement, this is valuable information.

By keeping track of such data, you can understand what resonates with your audience and refine your ad strategy accordingly. This ongoing process of analysis and adjustment ensures that your ads remain effective and engaging over time.

Why they chose HubSpot's Facebook Ad Creator

Not just any Facebook Ad Builder — the right one for your needs:

"The Ad Assistant is what I love the most about Campaign Assistant."

"An invaluable asset for any organization looking to elevate its marketing and sales strategies to the next level!"

"Great app with lots of useful features"

And you?

What do you think of our Facebook Ad Maker? We'd love to hear your thoughts.

woman looking at social media strategies for black-owned businesses

Begin your journey to smarter Facebook advertising

Step into the future of Facebook advertising with HubSpot's Campaign Assistant. HubSpot’s AI-powered tool is your partner in navigating the complexities of digital marketing, offering efficiency, precision, and impact. Start now and witness the transformative power of AI in your Facebook ad campaigns.

Generate Facebook Ad Copy

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Facebook ad copy is the written content that accompanies your ads on Facebook. It communicates the value proposition of the product or service you’re promoting. 

  • AI Facebook ad copy generators help automate the copywriting process for you. They also make your ads more effective by tailoring them to your preferences, like using specific keywords and writing styles. This means you can spend more time on your marketing strategy and less time on writing ad content.

  • An effective Facebook ad copy is clear, concise, and relevant to the target audience. It should include engaging visuals, a strong call-to-action, and a compelling value proposition that highlights the uniqueness or benefits of the product or service.

  • Campaign Assistant is HubSpot's AI-powered tool that allows you to create landing page copy, marketing email copy, and ad copy for your next marketing campaign. You provide information about your campaign, choose a tone of voice that resonates with your brand, and select which type of asset you want to generate, and the tool will produce either a landing page, email, or ad.

  • You can start using Campaign Assistant in Public Beta by pressing the "Generate Facebook Ad Copy" buttons on this page. You'll be directed to the tool from these buttons.

    Once in the tool, you'll create a HubSpot account or login to your existing HubSpot account. This will allow you to utilize Campaign Assistant's AI.