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Studio Proper Cuts Sales Cycle in Half, Grows Revenue by 35%

Since implementing HubSpot, they have improved the team’s ability to sell faster, easier, and with more relevance—shortening their sales cycle by 50%.

  • 50% reduction in sales cycle

Studio Proper

Studio Proper is a boutique industrial design studio based in Melbourne, Australia. They design and produce products that enhance a user’s interaction with the devices they use in everyday life.


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Use Case:


From Disorganized Chaos to a 360° View

Before Eli brought in the new system, the sales team at Studio Proper was using spreadsheets to manage their deals. They were spending a lot of their time going back and forth with prospects via email, often not connecting or getting any response. They also lacked a central location to record their communications which meant the reps were disorganized, giving Eli zero visibility about their performance, and making forecasting next to impossible.

After baking HubSpot CRM and HubSpot Sales into their sales process, everything became a lot more efficient and organized at Studio Proper. Instead of relying on cold emails, the sales team now leverages the HubSpot Email Tracking tool to get notified when their prospects are opening or clicking on their emails. This means that they can reach out when their leads are thinking about them and answer questions or schedule a meeting then and there. It has cut down the back and forth on email and they’re now closing deals twice as fast as before



Each rep now also saves about 45 minutes of admin time per meeting by using the call and email logging functionality. Instead of jumping between tools and sifting through emails, they now spend more time selling and less time on admin.


The issues with visibility have now been resolved and Eli has all the information he needs in one centralized location. At a glance, he can see what stage each deal is at in his Deals Dashboard. This has allowed him to quickly identify which reps have a loaded pipeline and which do not, then put action steps in place accordingly. 


It has also made reporting a breeze. Eli told us that the CRM has made reporting to the Board a lot faster and easier. He can easily create a visual presentation showing charts of sales activity and revenue by rep, week on week, or quarter on quarter.

Automating Commission Payments

When it came to paying out commissions, Eli had been facing a time-intensive manual process cross-checking invoice numbers against emails and the spreadsheet. Now, Eli estimates he saves about 10 hours per rep per quarter with HubSpot CRM, and with 5 reps, this has been a game-changer for him.

With a few simple clicks, Eli can calculate commissions in minutes. All he needs to do is select the rep’s name, choose a time period, tick deal stage as ‘won’ and then hit export. Then he just has to multiply the total by the commission % the rep is entitled to. On top of calculating the commission amount for him, it also verifies its accuracy by automatically cross-referencing the associated invoices. This has been a monumental change for Studio Proper, saving up to 50 hours each quarter on manual processes. 

A Clear Growth Trajectory

With their new sales process and CRM in place, growth is top of mind for Eli and Studio Proper. They recently just hired a new rep and the on-boarding process was so quick and painless, Eli now feels he can hire with a lot more confidence. He says: “There’s very little training involved. We had our new hire up and running on the CRM in 30 minutes. There’s a clear process that anyone can follow and I can check in on their progress and activity very easily.”

Studio Proper has seen a 35% increase in revenue since implementing the HubSpot CRM and Sales tools. Eli and his team are excited to see what comes next as their company and the HubSpot tools evolve together.

  • Eli_headshot.png
    We’re now selling faster, easier, and with more relevance. We close deals twice as fast as before.

    Eli Vayn

    Business Development Manager

    Studio Proper

  • As we grow, HubSpot CRM grows with us. We’ll be saving even more time as we make new hires.

    - Eli Vayn

  • There’s very little training involved. We had our new hire up and running on the CRM in 30 minutes.

    - Eli Vayn

colorful still life with people and technology

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