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Xoxoday increases CRM adoption to 80% with HubSpot

After exploring several CRM products, Xoxoday decided to implement HubSpot two years ago. Today, Xoxoday is armed with all the tools it needs on an all-in-one platform to align its marketing and sales processes. Since its implementation, Xoxoday has witnessed an astounding growth in its CRM adoption, leads attribution, and inbound marketing.

  • 80% CRM adoption across the company

  • 70% increase in lead management efficiency


Headquartered in Bengalaru, India, Xoxoday is a fintech SaaS company with rewards, incentives and loyalty products, designed to engage your customers, employees, sales and channel partners. The company was founded in 2012 and is backed by Giift and Apis Partners Growth Fund II.


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The search for the right tool to match Xoxoday’s expansion plans

The Xoxoday team began looking for a powerful, all-in-one CRM solution to align its sales and marketing efforts in 2014. Its leadership team ended up vetting a myriad of CRM solutions to fulfil their key criteria of ease of use, adoption, and integration. While a few of the CRMs had worked well for them initially, the team faced challenges with scaling their marketing activities, especially when integrating them into their marketing stack, consisting of expensive workflow builders and layered lead attribution.

As a result, lead attribution became a significant pain point for the company. The CRM they were using lacked these crucial functionalities, and the tech team had to implement disparate tools to align their sales and marketing efforts. Discontent, Xoxoday began evaluating Salesforce, HubSpot, and Pipedrive in 2020.

Shubham Bhatia, Xoxoday’s Product Marketing Manager, recalls:

“These three CRM providers were our main contenders, and we decided to go with HubSpot, largely because it suited our need for a robust, easy-to-use single platform. HubSpot also stood out for us because of its fantastic user experience.”

Xoxoday began its HubSpot experience with the free CRM and Sales Hub Starter. After seeing value in the product, they upgraded to the premium subscription. Simultaneously, the company wanted to scale its marketing efforts with the right automation stack. They decided to add the Marketing Hub to their subscription for its functionalities, including native integration with the CRM.

Within two years of implementation, the company has seen a significant increase in CRM adoption, from 25% to 80%. Shubham adds, “HubSpot brought tremendous transparency and enabled data-driven decision making, making it the single source of truth for marketing and sales.”


Key challenges solved with HubSpot 

One significant benefit of having sales and marketing on one platform for Xoxoday is that these teams can track and attribute leads seamlessly, integrate the CRM with the premium marketing tech stack, and gain visibility into the entire sales pipeline.

In its pre-HubSpot days, Xoxoday’s sales team relied on spreadsheet templates and disparate tools to track data, which was quite ineffective. Since HubSpot, Xoxoday’s sales team has used the platform as its source of growth, including dashboards for tracking leads, building sales pipelines, and managing deals.


Leveraging inbound marketing automation for growth

A major chunk of Xoxoday’s business comes from inbound marketing. Hence, the team was also looking for a platform to seamlessly support its inbound marketing efforts. HubSpot was a clear choice for them from the beginning. Shubham explains, “From integrations with paid media channels to relying on automated emails, HubSpot has been a blessing with a no-code development setup. We also used HubSpot to create inbound automation workflows for our lead refinement, which has saved our in-house team’s time by up to 70%.”

Xoxoday Plum is natively integrated with HubSpot CRM to help sales and marketing leaders accelerate revenue using rewards and incentives at scale. Plum is listed in Hubspot’s marketplace, and here’s what this integration makes possible:

  • One-to-one and one-to-many rewards
  • Automated workflow-based rewards
  • Ever-expanding global rewards catalog
  • Dedicated reward redemption support

Shubham mentions, “Any SaaS product can be defined by its UI. So, adopting any new product depends on how easy it is to use. A tech-savvy individual can definitely use it, but its true efficiency shows when someone from a non-technical background can navigate through it effortlessly. This is where HubSpot truly shines.”

Xoxoday’s sales team was able to adapt to HubSpot’s user-friendly interface within days. The team now tracks their entire business daily on HubSpot, which has worked well for them so far.

Simultaneously, HubSpot enabled the marketing team to create various touch points to communicate with their potential customers and nurture quality leads. The team was able to implement a chatbot on their website, create multiple landing pages for their products, and automate hyper-personalised emails to target segmented audiences.

Overall, Xoxoday’s experience with HubSpot has been quite fulfilling as it helps the organization in its rapid growth. Adding to the discussion, Shubham concludes, “HubSpot is a full-stack platform. It is not just about CRM and Marketing; it is so much more. I would definitely recommend others to choose Hubspot over any other CRM.” When asked about an NPS rating, Shubham and his team scored HubSpot an 8 out of 10.

  • 1630418635960
    HubSpot brought tremendous transparency and enabled data-driven decision making, making it the single source of truth for marketing and sales.
  • 1630418635960-1
    Any SaaS product can be defined by its UI. So, adopting any new product depends on how easy it is to use. A tech-savvy individual can definitely use it, but its true efficiency shows when someone from a non-technical background can navigate through it effortlessly. This is where HubSpot truly shines.
colorful still life with people and technology

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