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Epec Engineered Technologies Jump Starts Their Success with HubSpot’s Growth Stack

Epec Engineered Technologies was growing dissatisfied with its previous marketing automation provider. By September 2015, Epec was ready to make the switch to HubSpot. Since then, Epec’s realized impressive results, growing blog subscribers almost forty-fold, boosting their organic traffic by 4.2x.

  • 4.2x Increase in Traffic

  • 40x increase in blog subscribers

  • 126% increase in onsite conversions

Epec Engineered Technologies

Epec Engineered Technologies is a leading manufacturer of custom, build to print electronics based in New Bedford, MA. With over 65 years in the electronics sector, Epec has distinguished itself with a global employee base across North America, Asia, and Western Europe.


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Setting the Stage for Success: Moving to Inbound

Epec Engineered Technologies knew that they were generating traffic for their website, but needed a more efficient way to convert those visitors into leads that they could nurture and hand off to their sales team. Though they had spent three years with a leading marketing automation competitor, Epec was still hitting major roadblocks. 

Epec felt a constant burden from turning nurturing prospects into a frustrating, time-consuming process. The team, small at the time, also had to rely on numerous point-solutions like Hootsuite , Blogger, and PipeDrive to run their day-to-day operations beyond their marketing automation efforts. 

Growing tired of these inefficiencies, Epec evaluated and then signed with HubSpot in 2015. For Epec’s CEO, Edward McMahon, it was love at first demo of the Sales Tools offered in the CRM.

It was the all-in-one appeal of HubSpot that attracted Epec’s Director of Marketing, Keith Araujo.

“We saw HubSpot as a way to incorporate everything we were doing to make our lives easier.”

Beyond that, Keith and his team cited that HubSpot allowed them to: 

  • Simplify their form and landing page creation by using a dedicated editor versus having to write the entire HTML, CSS, and ASP code by hand.
  • Unify their sales and marketing teams by contextualizing the prospects coming to their site
  • Deliver a personalized digital experience for viewers by leveraging unique personas tailored to Epec’s breadth of website visitors 

Given Epec’s years’ worth of legacy data, Keith was nervous about migrating from one platform to another. However, with the help of a HubSpot Implementation Specialist , the team was able to seamlessly map their NetSuite data using BedrockData over in just a few weeks.

Sparking Lead Growth with Targeted Content and Automated Nurturing

Epec knew that their marketing content was attracting qualified traffic to their website, they just needed the right marketing platform to turn those visitors into leads, and HubSpot was that answer. Though Epec was proficient with blogging, they had little sense of what was performing best. Additionally, they struggled previously to convert these visitors into leads. 

Using data from HubSpot, they created a comprehensive action plan with their Customer Success Manager, Nora Edmonds to increase their blog subscribers. From there, they devised a strategy to get those new visitors into their database, redesigning their subscription call-to-action buttons, creating new forms, and tagging and sorting content by category. These changes sparked massive growth, resulting in an increase in subscribers from 50 in January 2016 to over 2,000 to-date.

“By this time next year, we’ll have close to 10,000 blog subscribers, easily.” 

This starts with having all of Epec’s subscriber info in one database, where he can email, nurture, and pass those leads along to his sales team. Using HubSpot’s Workflow Tool, Epec automates communication between sales representatives and engaged prospects. For example, after a prospect fills out a form for a piece of content, a follow-up email about that particular interaction is sent from an Epec Sales representative to the prospect.

Keith describes one of his favorites processes: 

“Our website conversion follow up queue is probably the best example of how robust the Workflow Tool really is. Let’s say someone downloads an Ebook, based on the form they filled out, they receive an automated email with a link to the content the downloaded. Behind the scenes, we set their product interest (Custom Contact property), set them to unqualified or qualified based on location (Country Property) and then he qualified ones are flagged “Follow Up Required” (Custom Contact property), which adds them to a Contact View in the HubSpot CRM for our Inside Sales team to follow up with.”

This feature helps Epec Sales team to reach out to engaged traffic in an authentic, personalized way, while also establishing their credibility within the industry. 

Through their blog and content offers, Epec has been able to grow onsite conversions by 126% since January 2016.  This impressive boost in qualified leads was crucial for the Sales team, who now had a greater pool of contacts that were already interested in Epec products.

Streamlining Marketing and Sales Efforts For Maximum Efficiency

Beyond lead generation and nurturing, Keith also noted HubSpot’s impact on improving the overall relationship between Epec’s marketing and sales teams. Having marketing and sales systems housed within one platform helps both teams share the same view of prospects, from blog posts they’ve read, to which sales representative has emailed them.

Epec’s Sales team is unique in that they cover ground both inside and outside of their Massachusetts headquarters. Keith describes the day-to-day of the average traveling sales team member below:

“Our outside Sales Team is on the road every day, making it challenging to be monitoring the CRM consistently. With the HubSpot mobile app, they can make phone calls to prospects in the locale they’re in, improving their overall productivity and being able to connect on the fly.” 

As for those in the office, Keith explains:

HubSpot’s CRM allowed us to stray away from our more traditional prospecting methods like cold calling and emailing cold sourced contact lists. We’re not doing that anymore. We’re bringing in more inbound leads so our sales team doesn’t have to look for it themselves.”

These inbound leads not only help save Epec’s Sales team time, but also make reps more effective in their outreach.



Overall, Keith envisions a bright future for Epec and HubSpot.

Following Epec’s growth, he’s been able to double the size of his marketing team from two to four members. Through reorganization and shifting of roles, Epec plans to invest heavily on creating targeted content. This type of content has transformed the way Epec’s Sales Team closes business by reducing the amount of cold calling and other traditional selling tactics they’ve had to rely on in the past.

Within the coming months, he plans to move Ecec's entire website onto HubSpot’s Content Optimization System, allowing him to house all of his website pages, forms, and blog content in one place - alongside his email, blog forms, and marketing automation.

“HubSpot’s Content Optimization System will make it easier to maintain and link all the call-to-actions for published pages outside of the blog. To be able to do that across our whole site will be huge for us.”

Being able to unify CTAs outside of just the blog will help Epec further analyze viewer actions across their entire website. This data will better inform marketing decisions and pinpoint exactly where the team should ramp up their content creation efforts, and decide which topics really resonate with their readers.

With those future plans in the works, Epec is ready to continue their success with the HubSpot Growth Stack, leaving their old automation and point solutions in the rear-view mirror.

  • 0913aa5.jpg
    Our upper level management saw our content was actually generating legitimate interest, we just needed the right marketing software to leverage it.”

    Keith Araujo

    Director of Marketing

    Epec Technologies

  • HubSpot’s CRM allowed us to stray away from our more traditional prospecting methods like cold calling and cold sourced contact lists for email marketing. We’re not doing that anymore. We’re bringing in more inbound leads so our sales team doesn’t have to look for it themselves.

    Keith Araujo

  • With HubSpot, we’ve seen a huge increase in leads, new business opportunities, and hopefully the extra push to get us over $50 million in sales this year.

    Keith Araujo

colorful still life with people and technology

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