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Free Storyboard Template for Word, Google Docs, PDF

Free Storyboard template for easy planning and organizing your creative projects.

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    Available for Word & Google Docs & PDF

    Template Highlights

    What is a storyboard template?

    A storyboard template is a blank storyboard document that you can use to visually outline a project or marketing asset for planning or presentation purposes. It helps teams map out each step of a campaign or content piece, ensuring all elements are aligned before execution.

    Storyboard template example for businesses with eight panels.What are the benefits of using a professional storyboard template?

    Storyboard template example for businesses with eight panels.Efficiency

    Using a template for your storyboards helps you save time by letting you focus on the content of your idea instead of formatting and organization.


    When everyone in your company uses the same storyboard template, all storyboards will have a unified look and feel, which creates a sense of professionalism and consistency.


    Professional storyboard templates add visual appeal while keeping the focus on your idea so you can optimize engagement during presentations and planning.

    How to use this storyboard template for your business?

    1. Select a format

    Fill out your contact information, then download the template in your desired format. It’s available as a Google Docs storyboard template, PDF, and Microsoft Word document.

    2. Choose your panel numbers

    The template includes storyboards with two, four, six, or eight panels per page. Choose the option that’s right for your project. If you need more room for notes, you can use two or four panels. 

    3. Add your project details

    Add the project name and author.

    4. Illustrate your idea and add notes

    Outline the vision for your project by sketching out an image in each panel. Use the space next to (or below) each panel to write notes that help with planning or presenting.

    5. Share your storyboard

    This printable storyboard template makes it easy to share copies with your team. You can also save it as a PDF storyboard template and send it as an email attachment.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Storyboard templates can be used to map out ideas in business, such as:
    • User experience (UX) workflows
    • Advertising campaigns
    • Project management
    • Customer journeys
    • Marketing videos
    • Sales processes
    • Presentations

    Anyone planning a visual project, such as a marketing video or a UX workflow, can benefit from using an editable storyboard template to plan and pitch their idea.

    Completely free! Once you enter your information, you can download the template and start putting your storyboard together.