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Viessmann Increases Leads, Conversions, and Revenue with HubSpot

Viessmann never used a marketing automation solution and heavily relied on basic tools to communicate with their partners. Since implementing HubSpot, they’ve increased revenue by 15% and grew new leads by 16%.

  • 15% revenue increase

  • 57% conversion rate increase

  • 16% increase in new leads year-over-year


Viessmann is a leading provider of air conditioning solutions for all living spaces. The solutions are based on renewable energy sources and maximum efficiency. Shaping living spaces for future generations: this is the responsibility of the 12,300 members of the Viessmann family around the world.


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In Search of a Solution to Serve the End Users Better

Before HubSpot, Viessmann never used a marketing automation platform. They relied on point solutions like Mailchimp and only used them to communicate with their partners (professional installers of their solutions), but not with their end-users. Viessmann also knew they could rank better in search, and they needed a complete solution to help them with that.

Stefania Brentaroli, Marketing Manager at Viessmann, explains, “End users typically do much online research before they make a purchase, and we wanted to invest on the web to take advantage of that thanks to our strong competencies. However, our website didn’t rank highly with search engines, and we weren’t giving our website visitors enough relevant information.”

Stefania realised that an all-in-one marketing automation solution was the way forward. While researching her options, she came across an article on the HubSpot blog. “It explained how HubSpot’s methodology and software could make a real difference to our business. This strategy was inbound done differently – the platform had everything we needed in one product. We would be able to get our installers more qualified leads and get a clear view of our end-users, something that had eluded us before.”

Viessmann made the decision and signed up for Marketing Hub Professional in 2015.

Implementing a Customer-Centric Approach to Marketing and Sales

Implementation of HubSpot’s platform into Viessmann took a few months and went smoothly. Viessmann worked with Rhei, a HubSpot Diamond Partner, to design a content strategy based on their buyer persona and customer journey analysis. From there, the priority was to create content that will match the needs of Viessmann’s audience.

“We’ve adopted a customer-centric approach and relied on a well-structured content strategy to become an online point of reference for heating and air conditioning,” Stefania explains. From here, Viessmann worked hard to improve their funnel and serve their leads with value-added content at the right moments. The result: a better relationship with their customers—installers—thanks to assigning them warm, qualified leads and supporting them to improve their business results.

Thanks to the Marketing Hub, Viessmann creates blog posts for their audience and landing pages to convert visitors to leads. They also use SEO features to optimise their content for key search terms, improving their brand reputation. Workflows help them take advantage of marketing automation.

Stefania finds HubSpot CMS simple to get started with and use on an ongoing basis. She adds, “We can easily manage all the content creation and editing ourselves. That’s a huge time saver. We periodically analyse our KPIs with Rhei’s support, and we revise and update the necessary personalisations to improve customer experience.”

Taking an iterative approach to improving their funnel and lead management is essential to Viessmann. They can quickly and efficiently ship the content and run automation. Then, they measure results by tracking day-to-day KPIs and decide in real-time whether they should keep going or pivot to a different idea, which has brought them huge success and improved their conversion rates.

More Customers, Happier Partners, and a Strong Brand

Viessmann has seen excellent results with HubSpot. Their number of partners increased 14% year-on-year, their number of orders jumped by 12%, and their revenue by 15%. They also increased their new leads by 16% per year. "We also saw a dramatic jump in conversion rate by 57%! Results like this are thanks to our greater ability to qualify and nurture leads," Stefania reports.

Viessmann's goal from now on is to keep improving their service and grow their business in a customer-centric way. Stefania finishes by adding, "HubSpot, along with support from Rhei, will allow us to increase the ROI of our online activities continuously. We're able to combine our brand's culture, communication with our end customers, and business opportunities we create for our partners to hit and exceed all of our goals.

“We can easily manage all the content creation and editing ourselves. That’s a huge time saver. We periodically analyse our KPIs with Rhei’s support, and we revise and update the necessary personalisations to improve customer experience.”

Stefania Brentaroli

Marketing Manager


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