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HubSpot CRM is the easiest way to organize, track and grow your sales pipeline.

Enjoy unlimited contacts, users and storage, 100% free. Forever.

Get Set Up In Seconds

HubSpot CRM is quick to learn and a breeze to customize without any help from IT. You can focus on selling, not learning a tool.


Automate the Tasks You Hate

Get rid of manual data entry for good. HubSpot CRM syncs with Outlook/Gmail and tracks every interaction automatically, no matter where it happens.


Stay Organized with Ease

No more messy spreadsheets! See your entire pipeline at a glance, or click any customer profile for a complete contact history.


Know Where Every Deal is At

Track your entire pipeline on one easy dashboard - from appointments scheduled and contracts sent to deals won or lost.

Set quotas, forecast revenue and filter deals however you choose for actionable insights in a fraction of the time.


Make Follow-Up Foolproof

Don't let a single lead fall through the cracks.

HubSpot CRM syncs with Outlook, Gmail and HubSpot Sales, pulling every interaction into a timeline that shows you exactly where the relationship is at.

Send an email, make a call (premium) or schedule a meeting from right inside the app and add notes with a click.

Skyrocket Email Success rates

Create and send personalized email templates for any sales scenario and automatically track open and click rates.

Find your best performers and share them with your team - then watch sales productivity go through the roof.


Customize Easily Without Any IT

Add or edit deal stages to fit your process and keep your sales team, marketing and management on the same page.

Create and save custom filters to find actionable intel more quickly and save hours prospecting or following up.


Sales teams of all sizes love saving effort and hours with HubSpot CRM