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Casio grows eCommerce customers 27% in a year with HubSpot CRM

Casio UK and Ireland needed a new engine to power its inbound marketing activities. Since implementing HubSpot CRM, they nurture leads more effectively, improve alignment between marketing and sales, optimise campaigns with concrete data and accelerate revenue growth.

  • £1M Net revenue from email campaigns

  • 13 Million Impressions using HubSpot Ads

  • 54% Increase in web visits


Casio has grown to become one of the leading manufacturers of consumer electronics and business equipment solutions. Casio UK and Ireland is part of the iconic multinational electronics company. It markets and sells calculators, watches, medical devices and musical instruments to both B2B and B2C customers.


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Accelerating business growth

Back in 2015, Casio UK and Ireland wanted to hit the multiply button on eCommerce growth. They already had a strong inbound strategy, but weren’t fully satisfied with the engine that drove it.

Their custom-built CRM provided no clear picture of prospects from first touch to closed deal. Meanwhile, their marketing automation platform—Marketo—was difficult and inefficient to use.

Casio wanted to achieve more. On the marketing side, they wanted to meet the needs of different prospects with relevant and timely content. They also wanted to implement automations to help their resources go further.

Once they’d discovered and nurtured great prospects, they needed sales to seamlessly take the baton and close deals faster.

Fuelling their future with HubSpot 

Casio discovered the HubSpot CRM platform while searching the internet for potential partners—a great example of inbound marketing in action!

Jennifer Kelly, Head of DTC & Marketing says: “HubSpot was the most attractive solution for our capability and needs. It was easy to use, which was important because we needed to get up and running quickly. And the support on offer was excellent.”

Casio implemented HubSpot CRM, Marketing Hub and Sales Hub. This gave them the consolidated stack they needed to align their teams and achieve ambitious growth goals.

From day one, they appreciated the surprising amount of support they received from HubSpot. With a single point of access to get answers to any technical or methodology-related question, there was no confusion, back and forth, or wasted time getting the help they needed. 

Powerful CRM set up in weeks

Casio’s first task was to migrate all the data located in its previous CRM over to HubSpot. This meant cleaning up, then porting over thousands of contacts, custom fields and deals. While it could have been an onerous process, HubSpot provided an Advanced Onboarding team to keep it painless.

Jennifer says: “The HubSpot team helped us to get the software set up in a way that worked for us and were also there to improve our processes as we went along. We got everything done in just a matter of weeks.”

Building out the customer journey

Casio was almost ready to unlock huge leads and sales growth. But first, they needed to implement the customer journey within HubSpot.

They created Landing Pages for their content, which included FAQs, user guides and video tutorials. Then they added Smart Calls-to-Action (CTAs) and Forms to generate more leads and encourage visitors to share their details.

Forms proved so versatile that Casio used them to capture valuable contact information at events, new product launches and competitions.

Because every visitor who fills out a form is automatically added to their database, Casio turns visitors into leads with virtually no effort.

Customised email marketing

Casio harnesses HubSpot to nurture new leads with personalised content. They use Lists to segment contacts based on specific values and characteristics, then create emails tailored to specific recipients. 

Designing emails is easy, too. Casio uses no-code design integrations to create beautiful campaigns without any help from designers or IT.

In the past 12 months, the business sent a staggering 27 million marketing emails, with excellent results.

Jennifer says: “Our marketing emails have developed significantly over the last couple of years and we’ve seen a consistent increase in our division-wide email marketing metrics. Our open rates are up +10%, we’ve seen a +7% average CTR increase and net revenue from email exceeds £1m.” 

Slick and automated workflows

Casio uses Workflows to automate previously repetitive tasks. They’ve implemented workflows for a variety of complex processes, including customer segmentation, welcome and nurture programmes, and following up on abandoned carts. 

HubSpot’s workflows make Casio more efficient, consistent and productive. And the results speak for themselves. 

Jennifer says: “With workflows in place, our lead nurture programme for our largest division has generated nearly £900k, while our abandoned cart series has generated nearly £800k in total revenue.”

Turning on an Ads machine

Casio uses HubSpot’s Ads software to create personalised campaigns that drive valuable traffic to their website.

Because all their data and tools are joined up, they not only create well targeted ads, but also use automated follow-up to nurture different audiences.

Even better, they know which ads work, because HubSpot reports the ROI across different platforms and audiences. This data is pure gold. They use it to target their most valuable audiences and get the biggest bang for their ad spend.  

Jennifer says: “We’re successfully using the Ads space within HubSpot across all our divisions. So far we’ve seen very impressive results: 13 million impressions have been reported, with over 200k clicks.”

Aligning the sales team and boosting revenue

With Sales Hub connected to Casio’s HubSpot ecosystem, marketing and sales teams are always aligned. 

Jennifer explains: “We continue to use Sales Hub with positive results. This is reflected through our divisional deal pipelines totalling nearly £200k in revenue through website form orders and API processing journeys.”

Optimising operations with rich data

HubSpot’s reporting and analytics function fuels Casio’s continued growth and success. They measure the success of campaigns, tie each activity to revenue, and use that data to invest their time and focus in the right places. 

They don’t need to invest in data scientists. Any member of the team can easily create high-level dashboards for leadership, or set up specific dashboards for teams to track progress towards their goals.

Meeting B2B and B2C needs

HubSpot’s versatility and flexibility enables Casio to address the different priorities of both its B2B and B2C divisions.

Jennifer explains: “On the B2B side, with HubSpot CRM, we can see exactly what’s happening with every prospect. The B2C side is more mass market, but we still want to make sure that the potential customer feels like they have a personal relationship with us. So we employ features like smart lists and A/B testing.”

71% more contacts, 27% more customers YoY

Implementing HubSpot brought immediate results for Casio. Seven years on, the partnership continues to drive eCommerce growth and success.

Rewinding back to 2016, within a year of implementing HubSpot, Casio saw website traffic increase 12% and leads grow a phenomenal 496%. Casio also found lead quality improve.

“We create CTAs that are relevant to our different personas,” says Jennifer. “So we know that when someone eventually signs up for a demo or an event, they are likely to be genuinely interested.”

Today, the results are no less impressive. In the past financial year, Casio achieved a 54% increase in web visits, 71% increase in new contacts and 27% increase in customers.

Jennifer says: “Thanks to Hubspot, we are able to analyse, iterate and optimise our communications at pace. We close deals faster than ever and maximise our returns.”

Still ‘wowing’ Casio after 7 years

Casio continues to be impressed by HubSpot’s accessibility and hands-on support—some seven years after the initial sale. 

“If we have a question, we just put in a call to HubSpot and get an answer within minutes. We also work with HubSpot Premier Services, and our consultant truly understands our business. In the beginning, it was all about applying best practices, but now he’s helping us explore all that we can achieve with the platform,” says Jennifer.

It’s a partnership that Casio is keen to retain. 

“HubSpot helps us create a culture in which people think about the customer journey, from the awareness stage to the closed deal. It allows us to nurture our leads through the entire funnel and keep refining our strategy.”

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Through slick workflows, complex trigger-based communications and smart insights, HubSpot has had a huge impact on our lead nurture programme. Thanks to HubSpot, we are able to analyse, iterate and optimise our communications at pace to maximise returns.

Jennifer Kelly

Head of DTC & Marketing


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