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InBound and HubSpot CRM enhanced Galbani Professionale's B2B2C engagement, boosting measurement and sales process efficiency

The Gruppo Lactalis Italia’s company was scouting for an Italian partner with experience on writing buyer personas when they identified DMA and HubSpot as a perfect combination to both super charge their digital marketing and standardize their sales processes. After a year and half of collaboration, Galbani Professionale now has a more ROI-driven lead generation system and is able to better manage the sales opportunities coming from its sales network.

  • + 5,000 contacts created

  • +100 marketing automation workflows for nurturing

  • +20 tons of estimated products sold HubSpot activities

Galbani Professionale

Galbani Professionale is a brand dedicated to pizzeria, restaurant & bar owners. With its wide range of products, it supports restaurateurs in their daily work with great passion and commitment to bring to the table the best sausages and products of the Italian dairy tradition.


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Challenges and Goals for Digital Marketing

Galbani Professionale, before adopting DMA and HubSpot for its digital transformation, had already recognized the necessity for greater insights into the online behavior of its ideal customers. They conducted their own research on the social platforms where their customers were most active, the peak hours of their online presence, the types of content that engaged them the most, and the pivotal factors influencing their choice of a supplier.

Moreover, the company realized that relying on external firms to send informative newsletters (DEM) was making them reliant on the quality of their supplier's contacts database. Additionally, the absence of technology to track and map leads once they interacted with their digital touchpoints posed a significant limitation for their marketing efforts.

The Solution

Galbani Professionale's Marketing Team initiated their collaboration with DMA by focusing on Buyer Persona. Utilizing a list of contacts from both existing customers and prospects, DMA conducted interviews and distributed surveys to gather strategic information. This information was instrumental in crafting a highly targeted and personalized content funnel designed to engage potential buyers at each stage of their buying journey, facilitating the crucial transition from lead to prospect status.

Identifying various pain points of restaurant and pizzeria owners through interviews, Galbani Professionale and DMA successfully formulated a multi-channel and multimedia content strategy. This strategy incorporated ads, ebooks, educational videos, emails, and other content that seamlessly blended informative and commercial elements. Notably, all content was accessible behind a form that requested comprehensive profiling information, including VAT numbers, phone contacts, or business addresses.

These collaborations formed the basis for a parallel support initiative for the Trade Marketing team, which included the identification of active clients in the database, sleeping clients and new prospects, and the digitalization of online activities related to prize contests.

Challenges and Goals for Sales

Having delved into digital marketing, Galbani Professionale transitioned to the sales process by organizing meetings with both the sales and marketing teams. Facilitated by DMA, these sessions commenced with outlining the company's sales process. The process involved a comprehensive analysis of the current performance, measurement against predetermined standards, and identification of opportunities for enhancement.

The Solution

An example of how digitalization helped streamline the sales process, was a form created for the CIBUS trade fair, that allowed the attending operator to register all stand visitors and send their contact details to the CRM. This triggered the sending of a thank-you email a few days after the event.

Another example was the automation that ensured a contact deemed promising based on lead scoring logic—discussed later—was automatically assigned to a sales representative based on the geographical area. The sales representative's responsibility was then to recontact the lead to determine whether they were an independent client to be served directly or part of a chain or wholesaler.

Once the sales representative or Food Service Account completed this qualification process, the same lead was transferred to a Galbani Depot (DSM) in the national territory. The DSM was informed via email with all the relevant contact information.

Bridging the Gap Between Marketing and Sales

To help dismantle the silos between marketing and sales, Galbani Professionale asked DMA to implement the cross-functional tool of HubSpot score, which assigns a numerical value or score to a lead based on its level of engagement with communications, company initiatives, sign-ups on the ecommerce or its alignment with the ideal customer profile (Buyer Persona). The ultimate goal was to highlight the most engaged contacts on the marketing level and the most promising ones on the sales level in terms of website visits, email opens, and form submissions, etc.

Since the mere numeric score was not always easily interpretable, the choice was to convert the numerical data into a qualitative judgment through an automated workflow, with options including Cold Lead, Warm Lead, and Hot Lead.

Reporting and Performance Monitoring

The historical absence of data for monitoring digital activities and KPIs compelled Galbani Professionale to prioritize reporting. Thanks to the dashboards created by DMA following a detailed briefing, the company can now track the progress of all marketing initiatives, including both Inbound Marketing and Trade Marketing. These dashboards are presented in internal marketing and management meetings.

Presently, area managers have the ability to access a range of metrics, such as the number of recorded site sessions, user engagement rates, leading acquisition channels, most consulted sections on B2B e-commerce, leads collected on HubSpot, and more.


Thanks to the strong collaboration established between Galbani Professionale's Marketing team and DMA, InBound Marketing activities have proven highly successful. Over the past year and a half of content production activities, more than 3000 contacts have completed a form and entered the CRM. The Trade team has similarly received positive feedback.

The sales department has implemented an efficient and virtuous hot lead allocation strategy, reducing unnecessary sales follow-ups and fostering alignment between departments from a SMarketing perspective.

As of the current moment, the CRM boasts a total of over 5000 contacts. Simona Alessandra Fiorina, Foodservice Marketing Director of Galbani Professionale, expresses the goal to double this number in 2024. All these contacts have been profiled based on the logic implemented by lead scoring, and all InBound marketing activities continue to be shipped at an average of one funnel per month, following the initial blueprint.

The implementation of buyer personas and a communication based on their interests improved ROI-driven lead generation. The personalized content funnels have proven to be highly effective, and the integration of HubSpot CRM has improved the collaboration with our sales department. DMA's insights and collaboration have been instrumental, and with over 5.000 contacts in the CRM, our InBound activities continue to thrive. We appreciate DMA's expertise and we count on their team to transform more and more marketing contacts into sales contacts to generate new customers.

Simona Alessandra Fiorina

Foodservice Marketing Director

Gruppo Lactalis Italia

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