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Myzone increases conversions 20% with HubSpot

Myzone had a disjointed tech stack that made it difficult to collaborate across teams and get a complete view of the customer journey. By bringing all company operations onto HubSpot CRM, they were able to increase visibility, find more insights in their data, and make better strategic decisions. They’ve increased their sales activity by 40% and consolidated several tools onto HubSpot.

  • 20% Increase in conversions

  • +5 Million Monthly transactional emails sent

  • 40% Increase in sales activity


Myzone's ecosystem unlocks connected fitness experiences, heart rate monitors, a free app, and a unique effort measurement – Myzone Effort Points (MEPs) – for communities around the world.


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Consolidating a Tech Stack

As a leader in wearable fitness technology, Myzone has a large workforce spread over several time zones and functions. Different teams used different tools, which didn’t always communicate smoothly together. The sales team worked in Salesforce, and the finance team used Netsuite for reporting. The service team worked in Zendesk, and marketing combined spreadsheets and third-party applications like Meltwater, Campaign Monitor, and Brand Folder to run social media and email outreach.

“We had a distorted software stack and journey for the marketing department as a whole,” says Myzone Marketing Specialist Lloyd Collingham. “And Salesforce was used purely by the sales team. We needed something a little bit more multifaceted, where other departments could chip in, collaborate, and have access.”

Improving Collaboration

In the past, most cross-team collaboration took place over email or Slack. With several teams in different timezones, including North America, Europe, and APAC, communication could be delayed and disjointed. As Terry Woods, Myzone’s VP of Sales, explains: 

“We couldn’t have real-time collaboration because of the timezones,” he says. “Slack and email communication left time delays, especially when sales requested a specific asset. It was all distorted and slowed down.” 

Aligning All Departments 

Myzone decided to switch the entire company over to HubSpot to bring Sales, Marketing, Ops, and the Service team under one umbrella. “To quote an English expression, we’re all singing from the same hymn sheet,” Lloyd says. “We don’t have siloed assets or siloed requests. We all have access immediately.” 

They’ve used the integrations in HubSpot Marketplace to increase synergies and eliminate unnecessary tools, bringing the entire user journey into HubSpot. “It’s so much more than a CRM for us now,” Lloyd says. “From a digital sense, it’s encapsulating the whole journey, internal and external. It’s in touch with 90% of our software stack.” 

On the sales side, Terry finds that having everything in one system makes him much more effective. “Having the entire sales and marketing portfolio under one umbrella gives me a lot of power to see what is happening upstream and how it is affecting my customers downstream,” he says. “HubSpot’s becoming our all encompassing management system for every division in the company. It makes my job a lot easier.”

Better Data

With more integrated systems and a single source of truth comes better data. Myzone has seen an important shift from spending too much of their time gathering and compiling valuable data, to instead using their resources to interpret that data and make better decisions. “HubSpot allows us to get to the data quickly, review it, and have more intelligent conversations with other departments. It allows us to go deeper, faster,” Terry says.  

Having the ability to see Myzone’s pipelines has been invaluable. “With the click of a button, I can see top-level information on our sales pipeline, onboarding pipeline, and the graduated portfolio pipeline,” he says. “It allows me to have much better management meetings with my team, because I have access to that information instantly.”  

When Terry needs to uncover new information quickly, the HubSpot custom report builder and dashboards allow him to see the whole story in just a few clicks. “I’m very data-driven. With HubSpot, when I need to uncover information, I’ve got the ability to quickly create a report and a filter that will help me understand the story better,” Terry says. 

Tracking Contacts and Deals

On the marketing side, HubSpot allows Myzone to understand the engagement for all user touchpoints and see the user journey holistically and how those metrics tie together. “[For each contact,] we have all-seeing-eye of HubSpot, which drills down to an individual contact record,” Lloyd says. “It’s important because it gives us the granular detail that powers our business. Once we can see how our efforts have performed, we can go and use remarketing techniques that are also baked into HubSpot to get even more out of those efforts.” 

For the sales team, this also allows them to have an accurate view of the hundreds of deals they close each year, which makes it easier to see where revenue comes from and assign resources to successful channels. “We’re finding that a lot of routine account maintenance leads to future sales,” Terry says. “We were able to get that information and put more resources towards account management, so that we can continue to increase those sales. We can stop guessing what’s happening and see the data.” 

A 360 View of the Customer

With the entire company interacting through HubSpot channels, Myzone can better support their customers and ensure that no queries get shuffled around or lost. “Everything is connected into our system now, so we can guide people to the appropriate contact without playing the messenger game,” Terry says. 

In the last year, Myzone has begun expanding from its existing B2B operations into the B2C space, developing a second revenue stream with this new market. “We have a lot of end users who were introduced to Myzone via a club or a gym facility who are now using it on their own, and we need to communicate with those customers,” Lloyd says. “Through HubSpot, we can communicate with these B2C customers about new product launches, keep them engaged with the product, and run promotions. It’s a no-brainer to do all of this, but it wouldn’t be possible without HubSpot. The CRM is a key piece of the puzzle.”

Connected Operations

With Ops, Service, and CMS hubs, Myzone is now entirely aligned on one interconnected HubSpot platform. Since building their website on CMS Hub, with a theme from the HubSpot marketplace, they’ve seen a noted improvement in leads’ understanding of their value proposition. “Our MQL quality to quantity ratio is fantastic,” Lloyd says. “When people send a webform, it makes sense to us because they’re using our terminology.” 

Adding Service Hub has allowed Myzone to transition away from Zendesk and bring their customer support in line with their other customer communication. “There are massive advantages for us now that everything is populated in that contact record, whether they are a B2C consumer who needs help, a prospective B2C buyer, or an existing B2B customer with a huge facility network. Everything is coming through now and we’ve got that synchronicity,” Lloyd says. 

Saving Management Time

As VP of Sales, having HubSpot’s data at his fingertips saves Terry a significant amount of time each week. The 4+ weekly hours that he used to spend preparing for individual, team and department meetings have been cut down to minutes, saving him an estimated 150 hours each year.  

He can also uncover opportunities and act on them more quickly. For example, when he noticed that deal volume was low in HubSpot, he realized that his team wasn’t creating deal opportunities when they saw a selling signal—the team was waiting for the deal to be completed to then create their opportunity, causing misleading information. “Having this information available in the HubSpot dashboard allowed me to intercede in the process and manage it proactively. The visibility allowed me to make changes that would normally take 90 or even 120 days, and fix them in a week or two,” Terry says. 

20% increase in conversions 

By expanding their use of HubSpot’s functionality, Myzone has been able to significantly increase their sales and marketing outreach. By adding Transactional Email, they were able to increase emails sends from 40,000 each month to 5 million. They can change languages and stylisation with minimal effort while saving their development team significant time.  

When the sales team began using templates and sequenced emails, their activity increased 40% week over week. “It allows us to message a larger group more frequently, set tasks, create phone calls and follow ups for us, and it all builds on each other,” Terry says. 

Overall, Lloyd estimates they’ve seen a 20% increase in conversions since consolidating to HubSpot and using the insights gathered there to make positive changes to their business. “All of our different efforts and insights are coming together to increase conversions and the quality of the leads we are seeing,” he concludes.


Having the entire sales and marketing portfolio under one umbrella gives me a lot of power to see what is happening upstream and how it is affecting my customers downstream…it makes my job a lot easier.

Terry Woods

VP of Sales

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