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Teamwork.com makes its sales team 50% more effective with HubSpot

As Teamwork.com expanded from 30 to 300 employees, the company quickly outgrew its previous CRM solution. Teamwork.com switched to HubSpot for better reporting and increased visibility into the sales pipeline. Only 1.5 years after the switch, win rate has increased 11% and average selling price has gone up 18%.

  • 50% More effective sales team

  • +11% Increase in win rate

  • +18% Increase in average selling price


Teamwork.com is a project management platform built and designed specifically for agencies.


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Fighting fires every month

When Teamwork.com grew from 30 employees to over 300, their previous homegrown CRM solution couldn’t keep up with their changing needs, as VP of Worldwide Sales Beau Brooks explains: 

“We started growing into challenges like lack of visibility and reporting, especially related to the sales pipeline. We needed things like conditional functionality as deals progressed through sales stages. Automation. Better visibility into forecasting. None of those features are typically included in any base sales CRM model, and we were running into challenges quite a bit.”

The lack of visibility and automation meant the sales team was always scrambling to catch up, Beau adds. “We were in this vicious cycle where we would ramp up the closing business, get it closed, and then have to start all over again at the beginning of the month,” he says. “ The firefighting was exhausting.”

Ramping up quickly 

As the VP of a company that was expanding internationally, Beau wanted to make sure that the new CRM had the right features to professionalize and empower the rapidly-growing sales team. 

After comparing HubSpot and Salesforce, Teamwork.com decided to move forward with HubSpot:

“HubSpot will give your team the best process available to be able to work deals efficiently while also giving management the easiest way to stay involved in deals and understand what's happening to then translate that into effective forecasts and ultimately, predictable revenue coming into the business,” Beau says.  

HubSpot champions 

Beau knew that the secret to successful change management is getting buy-in from reps. To build enthusiasm and speed up adoption, sales leadership nominated several reps as HubSpot champions and provided them with pre-training and coaching. 

“They loved the responsibility of helping champion this across the org. Having those internal voices talking about how great the platform was benefited us a ton. And it was a good learning opportunity for the reps as well. It was a growth opportunity for career development, and it was really powerful within the team,” Beau says. 

Sales Ops also held daily stand-ups with the team to review the implementation process and discuss challenges. “That allowed us to be very nimble and make changes on the fly,” Beau adds. “We started to see impacts from the HubSpot implementation within less than a month…the results we were seeing spoke for themselves.”

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Increased data and reporting

After a smooth HubSpot implementation and full internal buy-in, the sales team and leadership now make full use of every HubSpot feature available with their enterprise plan. 

“In our weekly meetings, the robustness of HubSpot’s reporting and dashboards allows us to see everything that’s happened in the prior week,” Beau says. “It gives us a complete view of deals won and lost. We have a much stronger pulse on what’s going on in the sales team just by having that visibility.”

This increased visibility also makes daily pipeline reviews much more effective. “We have different preset sorts that we use on the deal dashboard to understand the health of a pipeline. It gives the manager a lot more guidance in what to dig into with the team, so one-on-ones have become much more efficient,” Beau says. “Reporting has been a significant improvement for the business.”

Sequences have made it much easier to capture expansion revenue, and forecasting has made it much easier to manage deal flow, Beau adds. 

Expanding opportunities

Implementing HubSpot has led to more growth opportunities for Teamwork.com. When the company launched HubSpot, they also opened a second sales office in Denver, along with their main office in Cork, Ireland. “The scalability with HubSpot allowed us to effectively train and ramp 15 new sellers from over 4,000 miles away,” Beau says. 

Thanks to the Teamwork.com integration to HubSpot and increased collaboration with HubSpot partners, Teamwork.com has seen new sales opportunities as well. “We’ve seen elite HubSpot partners like Digital Reach OPM create offerings for Teamwork.com implementation and automation, which bring shared sales opportunities to us and our partners,” Beau adds.

50% more effective sales team

Switching to HubSpot has been a game-changer for Teamwork.com’s sales. Beau estimates that the automations save reps 50% of the time they used to spend on manual processes. 

With more time and better processes in place, the entire sales team can now work on more strategic projects than before. The platform also makes it easier for the international team to collaborate, and makes it possible for Teamwork.com to continue its international expansion. 

Average selling price has increased by 18%, and win rate has gone up by 11%. Using quote-approval workflows has doubled their onboarding attachment rates. “That alone nearly paid for our entire HubSpot subscription in the first quarter after implementation,” Beau says.   

From firefighters to surgeons

Today, the sales team functions more like “surgeons” than firefighters, Beau says, in large part because of the increased visibility that HubSpot offers. “We can look at something in HubSpot and know with a lot more confidence and detail how a deal is progressing. In the past, we would have to dive into an opportunity and review everything on different softwares to understand what stage something was at. That's fundamentally changed the game for both the reps and the managers,” Beau says. 

After using HubSpot, Beau can’t imagine ever going back. “I've used Salesforce for 15 years of my professional selling career, and I've used HubSpot now for a year and a half. I don't know that I would ever go back,” he says. “HubSpot provides so much power to the salesperson to be effective, which is what really matters at the end of the day.”

Beau Brooks

I've used Salesforce for 15 years of my professional selling career, and I've used HubSpot now for a year and a half. I don't know that I would ever go back.

Beau Brooks

VP of Worldwide Sales


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