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Winbound Increases Revenue by 100% as a HubSpot Partner

Since signing up to the Parter Program, Winbound has increased its leads by 11X, its revenue by 100% and become a HubSpot Platinum Tier Partner.

  • 100% of clients on retainer

  • 11X increase in leads

  • 20 clients using HubSpot


Winbound was the first agency in France to become a HubSpot Gold Tier Partner, and it uses the HubSpot software to help its clients optimise their websites and attract, nurture and retain customers.


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From Point Solutions to Total Inbound

Since 2011, Winbound has helped businesses to increase web traffic, get more leads and close more deals. However, by 2013, the point solutions it was using had grown stale.

“We had email software, and we used a CMS and social media, but they weren’t synced up together. It was difficult to analyse how effective we were being and to prove to our clients that they were getting a good return on investment,” says Michel Brébion, CEO with Winbound.

The agency’s search for an all-in-one automation platform led it to HubSpot and the inbound methodology.

“It was a revelation; it was another way to do marketing. The HubSpot software would allow us to get all our marketing activities working together and give us a clear view of their effectiveness.”

Winbound wanted to be able to offer the software to its customers, so it began to investigate the HubSpot Partner Program. It liked the route to growth that it provided, and it was impressed by how many large companies around the globe had signed up.

“It was clear that HubSpot Partners were getting results and growing their business. The decision was made, and we signed up in 2013.”

Delivering a More Targeted Message

Winbound uses the HubSpot growth stack, the combination of the Marketing, CRM and Sales software, on its website. It runs its popular blog through the Blog App and has developed customer-centric downloads, such as ebooks and guides, which explain how inbound can help their businesses. It uses Calls-to-Action and Forms to encourage visitors to give their information and then nurtures them through the funnel with Workflows.

“We’ve completely changed how we write content. It’s not about the brand anymore; it’s about the prospect’s wants and needs,” explains Michel.

The agency is meticulous about targeting the right visitors, and it has switched up its personas as its business has developed. For example, it started with a “marketing manager” persona, but it has since changed that to “digital marketing manager” so that it can hone in on the right decision maker.

“The inbound method is now part of our DNA, and that applies to both our marketing and sales departments. The CRM and the Sales Pro software allow us to use our time more effectively and contact leads at just the right moment.”

Winbound is also convincing clients of the value of the inbound methodology, says Michel.

“Their traffic and leads increase within weeks, and they start to view their marketing in a whole new light. They see how their budgets can become revenue, and they get invested in following the inbound path.”



Results that Keeping On Growing

Winbound now gets 60% of its leads through inbound, a percentage that has doubled in the last 12 months. According to Michel, this is because the agency has continued to develop its mastery of the method.

“We don’t rest on our laurels; we continually refine our website to ensure that it is effective, and our results reflect that. Since we joined the HubSpot Partner Program, our website traffic has increased by 11X. We get an average of 200 leads every month, and our revenue has grown by 100%.”

Winbound was also the first French agency to become a Gold Tier Partner (it's now a Platinum Tier Partner), and it now has 20 clients on the HubSpot software, with 75% of them on retainer.

“We also have clients that we work with on a project basis, and we often introduce them to HubSpot’s free tools first. This is a great way for clients to trial HubSpot and see results quickly. Many clients that follow this path become longer-term customers and upgrade to HubSpot’s paid tools.”

Looking ahead, Winbound just became a Platinum Tier Partner.

“I wholeheartedly recommend the HubSpot Partner Program, because it offers an economic vision that is great for agencies. It helps you to deliver real value to your clients and grow your own revenue at the same time.” 


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