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Partner Day at INBOUND 2018 Agenda
Agency Account Managers Track

developer track

You’re in a client-facing role and need to know everything from the latest marketing techniques and technology to how to successfully onboard new clients. This track is for you. We’ll cover everything you need to know to deliver more value to your clients.

Session Title and Description

Time and Room

150 Apps to Grow Your Agency: A Grand Tour of HubSpot's Platform Ecosystem

Scott Brinker, HubSpot

With over 150 platform ecosystem partners who have built and integrated apps into HubSpot, you and your clients have access to an incredible array of specialized capabilities. In this whirlwind tour, we'll look at the diverse range of categories of certified apps that plug seamlessly into HubSpot and show you a number of examples of the ones best suited for agencies. You are certain to have numerous ah-ha moments of, "I didn't even know that was possible!”

3:30 PM | Room: Salon E

20 Ways to Incorporate Video Content into Every Stage of the Buyer's Journey

Chad Rogers, Lemonlight

You no longer need a video for your website, you need video content for your brand. But what type of video? Where do you put the video? How much does it cost?! Discover how to craft the perfect video content strategy for your brand or agency and take home 20 tangible examples of integrated video content that you can test on your own brand.

1:15 PM | Room: Salon A

Account Management All-Stars

Amanda Smith, HubSpot

How do you nail a new client relationship? How do you know if your clients are actually happy? How do you reset expectations when things go awry? Hear on this and more from a panel of stand-out account managers in HubSpot’s Partner Program. These account managers ace key milestones (defined & backed by HubSpot data!) in their clients lifecycle to drive client value and keep retainers renewing with their agency.

4:30 PM | Room: Salon E

Get More Bang for Your Content Buck: Utilizing Historical Content Optimization

Bridget Deutz, Leighton interactive

We’ve created a process we refer to as ROPS - Rework, Optimize, Publish, and Share - to create more impact with historical content. During this session, I’ll walk you through each step of the ROPS process, explain how + why it works, and help you see the power you can unleash with historical optimization. Then, you can ROPS it like it’s hot!

1:15 PM | Room: Nantucket

HubSpot Product Keynote

Nicholas Holland, Lou Orfanos, Michael Redbord, and Nancy Riley, HubSpot

HubSpot’s product GMs are pulling back the curtain to give you insight into what their teams are building and why. You’ll hear about soon-to-be-released features from each product line -- Marketing, Sales, Service and Connect -- before launching to the general public so you’re ready to bring these new products to market with your clients.

9:15 AM | Room: Ballroom

Introducing HubSpot Video. It’s Time to Make Video Work.

Marcus Andrews, HubSpot, & Partner Panel

In our daily lives we are watching more video and in our business lives, we know it’s the future of marketing and communication. But as an industry, the uptake of video has been incredibly slow. Why? Join HubSpot, Vidyard, Impulse, and Nextiny as we discuss: Why people still struggle with video, the future of video, how your agency can be better at video, and how to truly build a business around something that is so clearly the future of communication?

10:45 AM | Room: Berkeley & 2:30 PM | Room: Salon E 

Marketing Hub 2.0: Refined, Modernized, and Set to Supercharge Your Growth
Ari Plaut & Jeffrey Vocell, HubSpot

We know serving your Marketing Hub clients is core to your business. That’s why we’ve doubled down on making core features even better and introduced new, more powerful tools to help you serve your most sophisticated clients. Learn about new ways to drive growth with the latest channels and more robust content optimization tools to create
new opportunities to service your clients.

1:15 PM | Room: Salon E

Quick Wins: Start a New Relationship off the Right Way

Robbie McFarlane, HubSpot

Clients come to HubSpot partners like you for results, so it’s important that you begin to work towards their goals as early in the relationship as possible. In this session, learn how you can capitalise on momentum from the sales process, and carry that into real results for your clients.

3:30 PM & 4:30 PM | Room: Salon A

Stop Lying to Yourself - Create a Foundation of Transparency, Integrity, and Context with a Holistic SEO Foundation

Ryan Caracciolo, Striventa

Afraid of losing a client from not hitting expectations? Struggling to show real value? Drowning in a sea of random reporting numbers? This session offers the raw story of a startup company that has grown into a successful small business, and the wins and losses along the way. From our experience, a template called the Holistic SEO Foundation was created, and has helped build real relationships with our clients by bringing it back to the basics, establishing proper context through research, and being fully transparent. Learn about this process, and walk away with a copy of the Holistic SEO Foundation that you can put into action with your agency and clients.

2:30 PM | Room: Provincetown

Successful Onboarding [Workshop]

Sam Hirbod, HubSpot

Learn a step-by-step onboarding process to help you deliver success to your clients. Whether you're a new account manager, want more structure or want to learn how to resell faster, this training is for you. The session is based off a tried-and-true process which has helped structure up inbound agencies to get them reselling within two weeks.

11:00 AM | Room: Salon A

The Secrets of Designing an Effective Customer Feedback Program

Cambria Davies, HubSpot

Customer feedback often goes into a black hole. Everyone knows it's important, but it's just too hard. Feedback is siloed, difficult to share, and it takes too long to gain actionable insight from it. In this session, you'll learn how to implement an actionable customer feedback program in HubSpot's Service Hub without the headache. Plus, how you can leverage that feedback to turn your customers into a growth engine.

1:15 PM | Room: Provincetown

Why Taking That Extra Step for Clients Is Key

Charudhi Pankaj, Inbound Mantra

We know it’s important to share the full picture (the good and the bad) with our clients so they have a clear understanding of the project -- but it’s not always easy.  In this session, you’ll learn what steps you need to take to not only help your clients achieve their marketing goals, but to be a true partner in helping them improve the overall health of their business.

3:30 PM | Room: Provincetown

Your Clients Should Think You’re Santa – Why Agencies Should Always Look for New Tech

Marc Herschberger, Revenue River

As digital marketing agencies, our clients look to us to help them develop and drive marketing and sales campaigns. This should include toolset mapping aimed at helping them become leaders within their industries through strategic purchasing decisions and partnerships. But most agencies don’t understand that their clients expect this and have no idea how to provide this service. You’ll walk away understanding the importance of keeping an open mind to digital marketing and sales technologies, the process for searching for and qualifying the newest technology opportunities, and the steps to help you pitch these technologies and their implementation to your clients so that you can grow campaign influence and retainers.

2: 30 PM | Room: Salon A & 4:30 PM | Room: Clarendon