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Partner Day at INBOUND 2018 Agenda
Agency Owners:
Early Growth Track

developer track

Are you looking for advice from your agency peers on how to hire and retain great talent? How to onboard and continue to train your rockstar teams? How to generate new business? We’ve got you covered -- or should we say, your agency peers have you covered -- come hear them share their secret sauce on all of your burning agency growth related topics.

Session Title and Description

Time and Room
10 Ways to Burn your Agency to the Ground

John Kelleher & Lucy Seymour, ESM Inbound

Growing your agency requires avoiding a variety of pitfalls. At ESM Inbound, we've achieved growth but fell into many traps along the way. Each time, we've managed to pick ourselves up, dust down the agency and get back to work. Learn from our mistakes by discovering ten of our worst decisions... and how we overcame them.

2:30 PM | Room: Fairfield & 4:30 PM | Room: Dartmouth

Agency Unfiltered: Partner Day at INBOUND edition

Kevin Dunn, HubSpot & Partner Panel

Agency owners, we know you’re looking for business advice, and we happen to know a number of experts with firsthand know-how of scaling an agency. Hint: they're attending Partner Day too. We’re bringing our monthly Agency Unfiltered Facebook series to you in-person. Join this partner-led panel to hear tips on topics like: process development, sourcing and hiring talent, team building, financial planning, specialization and more -- from the experts who know it best, your agency peers.

11: 00 AM | Room: Salon E

Creating a Culture of Transparency at your Agency: How to Open your Books and Transform your Culture

Mike and Nicole Rose, Mojo Media Labs

Inbound and account-based marketing agency owners and platinum partners, Mike and Nikole Rose, decided almost two years ago to adopt open-book management as an operational and cultural strategy to elevate the culture of Mojo Media Labs. Hear from them just how much this transformed the accountability, trust, and growth of their agency.

3:30 PM & 4:30 PM | Room: Suffolk

Growing your Agency with the HubSpot CRM

Emily Hulstein, Denamico

Want to maximize more of the HubSpot Growth Stack functionality and provide more value to your clients? Join Emily to learn about the services that Partner agency, Denamico, has created around the HubSpot CRM. We’ll cover sales enablement services you can offer to help grow your agency, getting started, how to charge, and how to deliver quick wins.

10:45 AM & 3:30PM | Room: Exeter

Heroes & Villains: Epic Tales about Scaling Agencies through Outsourcing

Ia Del Rosario-Gust & Isabel Sanchez, Straight Arrow

Early in the game, HubSpot Agency Partners learn that the effectiveness of inbound sales and marketing relies not only on strategy but also on consistency and sustainability. And as agencies start to scale, the quest to find the right champions at the right time and at the right cost becomes more apparent. In this session, learn how agencies make use of various outsourcing models to find talent, save on manpower cost and increase productivity. This session will also cover case studies to help you understand how these methods worked for some and not other organizations.

1:15 PM | Room: Exeter & 3:30PM | Room Dartmouth

How to Build and Sell Service Hub Retainers

Stephen Higgins, HubSpot

Interested in selling Service Hub but not quite sure how to get started? In this session, you’ll learn how to build and sell retainers around the Service Hub platform. We’ll show you how to structure a simple pricing model around this new service offering, as well as how to successfully position it to both net new and existing clients.

10:45 AM | Room: Dartmouth & 2:30 PM | Room: Exeter

How to Grow Your Agency with Training Services (Workshops, In-person Sessions, and More!)

Sarah Phillips, HubSpot

Offering training services can help your agency bring in new leads, clients, and revenue. In this session, you'll learn how to start creating and delivering training right away. You'll also learn how to get started implementing training services; including how to package, price, and market those services. You'll see examples of how real-life HubSpot partners are growing their businesses by delivering high-quality training, and you’ll walk away with a clear plan for offering training services at your agency.

2:30 PM & 4:15 PM | Room: Berkeley

How to Grow Your Small Agency: Pro Tips from the SILVERPEAK Team

Pete Nicholls, HubDo

Since last year’s Partner Day, over 50 owners of small agencies across eight countries have been climbing together to HubSpot silver, gold and even platinum as part of the SILVERPEAK Challenge.

We’ll  explore overcoming challenges including:

  • Marketing: market segmentation focus and executing your own agency marketing plan
  • Selling: sales process, selling value and overcoming client inertia
  • Delivering: onboarding, processes and managing client expectations
  • Growth: resourcing, operations, and time management as a small agency owner

2:30 PM & 3:30 PM | Room: Arlington

How to Use Service Hub to Change from a Vertical Marketing Agency to a Horizontal Growth Agency

Michael Redbord, HubSpot

You were hired to "do marketing": PR, website, conversions. But at its core, your job is to generate revenue for your client. In today's day and age, one of the best levers for growth -- for any business -- is their customers. Learn how to transition from a vertical agency to a horizontal one and leverage the newest product line from HubSpot, Service Hub, to make that move and to grow your agency.

3:30 PM | Room: Clarendon & 4:30 PM | Room: Exeter

How We Used HubSpot Automation & Agile to Scale from an Idea to Platinum in 9 Months

Romi Dexter, Hype & Dexter, & Lucy Seed, HubSpot

At Hype & Dexter we have applied agile methodologies to digital marketing and it’s helped us achieve unprecedented growth. In just nine months, we’ve gone from an idea and one client to becoming a platinum partner and the fastest growing partner agency in APAC. Come to this session to learn more about the plan that’s allowed us to scale rapidly while still maintaining a focus on ROI, quality and culture.

2:30 PM | Room: Clarendon & 3:30 PM | Room: Fairfield

HubSpot Product Keynote

Nicholas Holland, Lou Orfanos, Michael Redbord, and Nancy Riley, HubSpot

HubSpot’s product GMs are pulling back the curtain to give you insight into what their teams are building and why. You’ll hear about soon-to-be-released features from each product line -- Marketing, Sales, Service and Connect -- before launching to the general public so you’re ready to bring these new products to market with your clients.

9:15 AM | Room: Ballroom

How to Grow Your Agency With the New HubSpot CMS

Nathan Ciruolo, HubSpot

Website redesigns are an important aspect of your growth strategy. Join Nate Ciruolo, Product Manager for HubSpot CMS in this session to learn details about the new CMS and how it can help transform your conversations about website redesigns and help you land new clients.

1:15 PM | Room: Wellesley & 3:30 PM | Room: Simmons

Introducing HubSpot Video. It’s Time to Make Video Work.

Marcus Andrews, HubSpot, & Partner Panel

In our daily lives we are watching more video and in our business lives, we know it’s the future of marketing and communication. But as an industry, the uptake of video has been incredibly slow. Why? Join HubSpot, Vidyard, Impulse, and Nextiny as we discuss: Why people still struggle with video, the future of video, how your agency can be better at video, and how to truly build a business around something that is so clearly the future of communication?

10:45 AM | Room: Berkeley & 2:30 PM | Room: Salon E

Marketing Hub 2.0: Refined, Modernized, and Set to Supercharge Your Growth
Ari Plaut & Jeffrey Vocell, HubSpot

We know serving your Marketing Hub clients is core to your business. That’s why we’ve doubled down on making core features even better and introduced new, more powerful tools to help you serve your most sophisticated clients. Learn about new ways to drive growth with the latest channels and more robust content optimization tools to create
new opportunities to service your clients.

1:15 PM | Room: Salon E 

Point Pricing: Drive Agency Performance, Productivity & Profit with a Value-Based Pricing Model

Jessica Miller, PR2020

How does your pricing strategy perform? Do employees, clients and prospects actually like it? The right pricing strategy makes it easier for agencies to scope work, grow accounts, improve productivity, and drive performance. PR 20/20 introduced point pricing to the industry in 2012. In this session, we’ll share why we transitioned to a value-based pricing model, how we pulled it off, and lessons learned along the way.

10:45 AM & 1:15 PM | Room: Arlington

Visionary vs. Integrator: A Tale of Two Co-Founders

Andrew Dymski, ZenPilot

Do you ever find it difficult to communicate with members of your team while at the same time, you know that the business wouldn’t be the same without them? These feelings can be intense. In this session, you’ll learn why understanding the perspective and strengths of each leader enables you to build a winning team.

10:45 AM | Room: Fairfield & 2:30 PM | Room: Dartmouth

We Lost Half Our Agency Revenue in 30 Days...Here's How We Recovered

Tyler Pigott, Lone Fir Creative

We’ll just start with this. Running a business is hard. For some reason, learning seems to happen by falling on your face and needing to get back up. We’re going to tell you what we got wrong, how we fixed it and how it’s helped in the areas of:

  • Sales (Do you have a sales process? What to avoid and when to trust your gut.)
  • Software (it can’t fix your problems. What systems/processes do you need to have in place before “hiring” software to help)
  • Hiring (Do you outsource or hire internal? Understanding what works for you and what doesn’t)

10:45 AM | Room: Clarendon & 1:15 PM | Room: Berkeley

When, What — and Why — Clients Outsource to Agencies

Drew McLellan, Agency Management Institute & Susan Baier, Audience Audit

Be the first to hear the results of AMI’s 2018 research with 500+ agency clients as we explore the decision to bring work in-house vs. work with an agency, including which capabilities clients see as agency strengths, and how clients view their agency — as an extra pair of hands, skilled generalists, subject-matter experts or strategic advisors.

1:15 PM | Room: Clarendon

Why Agencies Need to Pay Attention to the Gig Economy

Daryn Smith, MPULL

The gig and on demand economy can give agencies instant access to experts that have gone deep into specific functionality, it can provide agencies with deep expertise a source of revenue, and it can be a source of great leads! There have been plenty of significant disruptions to the taxi, hotel and retail sectors due to innovative gig business models, are agencies preparing for a potential disruption?

3:30 PM | Room: Berkeley

Why Having the Courage to Focus Can Unlock Your Agency’s Growth Potential

Greg Williamson, Concentrate

Learn how a platinum agency from a small country at the bottom of the world has accelerated their growth by focusing exclusively on high tech as an industry niche. Concentrate director Greg Williamson will take you through the story of how they built an agency focused on the technology sector, and the benefits and challenges of this approach. He will also cover how HubSpot has helped enable this growth and allowed Concentrate to go deeper into their chosen niche with a broader service offering.

1:15 PM | Room: Dartmouth

Your Clients Should Think You’re Santa – Why Agencies Should Always Look for New Tech

Marc Herschberger, Revenue River

As digital marketing agencies, our clients look to us to help them develop and drive marketing and sales campaigns. This should include toolset mapping aimed at helping them become leaders within their industries through strategic purchasing decisions and partnerships. But most agencies don’t understand that their clients expect this and have no idea how to provide this service. You’ll walk away understanding the importance of keeping an open mind to digital marketing and sales technologies, the process for searching for and qualifying the newest technology opportunities, and the steps to help you pitch these technologies and their implementation to your clients so that you can grow campaign influence and retainers.

2:30 PM | Room: Salon A & 4:30 PM | Room: Clarendon