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Jeeves streamlines its lead generation and conversion efforts with HubSpot’s tools

With HubSpot’s tools, such as workflow automation and marketing, sales and service action integration, Jeeves has achieved sustained growth, saved time and reduced inaccuracies by getting more visibility and a better analysis of their customer journey.

  • Better management and visibility after automation

  • +40% Open rate during email marketing campaigns

  • +15% Clickthrough rate


This is a company that operates in Mexico City and serves customers in the US, Latin America and Europe. It offers corporate credit cards, growth and working capital loans, and a platform for expense management that allows organizations to manage payments and international wire transfers to more than 200 countries.


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Driving a global expense management platform

Jeeves has built an international fintech infrastructure that helps businesses grow at global scale. Based in Mexico City, this company offers corporate credit cards and an expense management platform that allows businesses to manage payments and international wire transfers to more than 200 countries. Jeeves has customers in Latin America, North America, Europe and other regions of the world. 

“As a company, we serve in 25 countries offering solutions such as corporate credit cards (unlimited virtual cards), growth loans, working capital loans, an expense management platform and working capital credit lines.” — Osama Asif, Partnerships leader at Jeeves.


Manual processes are very time-consuming and lead us to lose both visibility and information.

Before adopting HubSpot, the marketing, sales and service processes at Jeeves were manual, which means that projects required more resources and more time. Besides, they didn’t have a comprehensive strategy that weaved all their activities together and, as a result, their efforts wouldn’t come to fruition. 

This resulted in poor visibility across all the aspects of the conversion funnel and the customer journey, which in turn meant that they lacked essential information, like insights into their contacts’ purchase process, the management of their deal pipeline, the performance of their marketing channels and the scope of their sales reps. In general, they just couldn’t see how all these elements worked together as a whole. Though they had no doubt as to what results they wanted to get and could actually know when a deal got closed, they couldn’t really figure out how it had been closed or how long the negotiation stage had taken. 

Additionally, customer service was quite limited, as they only used email and Google Sheets for tracking, which made it impossible to track hand-offs and other collaborative practices. 

In short, given that they didn’t have an easy-to-deploy CRM and had to manage their information in fully manual tools, they couldn’t offer a proper sales process, nurture leads automatically and provide personalized customer service.  

“The main challenge was the lack of visibility across marketing and sales processes. Everything was manual and fragmented. We tried with a different CRM for a while, but it was too hard to fully implement the processes we needed and it never really took off.” — Osama Asif, Partnerships leader at Jeeves.

A comprehensive solution

While Jeeves was known for their successful business development, the company still didn’t have the structure needed to consolidate the relationships with their customers. They were aware of the challenge they were facing though — they needed a comprehensive solution. 

They needed a platform to keep all the relevant information about prospects and customers in one place so they could then use it to inform their marketing, sales and service decisions. Before adopting HubSpot’s solution, their needs were quite specific: they wanted to have visibility into the actions and processes of each lead all the way down to the final conversion stage, they needed to have their data consolidated and their teams aligned, and they expected to automate tasks in order to save time.

These goals were essential for Jeeves to finally be able to provide an exceptional customer experience. It was pretty clear that they needed to get all those benefits from a highly cost-effective solution that would enable them to scale faster than their business did. 

In that context, the company’s needs were more and more evident, so they had to think of a suitable solution. Since one of their team leaders had previously worked with some of HubSpot’s employees, he introduced them to HubSpot and all the perks that its tools could offer Jeeves.

We knew that if we wanted our company to move on to the next step, we had to improve our infrastructure and our go-to-market strategy. — Osama Asif, Partnerships leader at Jeeves. 

Thanks to HubSpot’s recommendations, the company could access relevant information about the platform, and the tool evaluation process was pretty quick.

Jeeves assessed some other solutions, like Pipedrive, but after analyzing their CRM, they realized that it didn’t cover all their needs, as they wanted a solution that could integrate all marketing, sales and service actions in one platform.

According to the analysis of new resources, Jeeves decided that HubSpot was just what they needed and that there was no other tool available that they could roll out straightaway while still meeting all their system requirements.

“HubSpot is the perfect solution for our sales, marketing and service needs.” — Osama Asif, Partnerships leader at Jeeves.


Intuitive and easy to set up

Getting started with HubSpot was easy for Jeeves, though they obviously went through an adjustment process so their marketing, sales and support teams could get used to using the tool. 

This fintech company fell in love with HubSpot’s platform interface, since its intuitive nature helped their teams successfully adopt the new solution in no time. Jeeves has also managed to scale up the use of HubSpot every time their teams learn how to streamline their efforts with these tools and this way, they are constantly adding more value to the development of their system.

From an operational perspective, Jeeves points out that it was incredibly easy to set up HubSpot’s tools in comparison with other CRMs, since launching any other solution would have taken pretty long.

HubSpot’s CRM platform is extremely versatile — whether you use it through native apps or APIs, it offers integration with tons of apps. Thanks to this integration capacity, Jeeves has paired tools like Google Calendar, Aircall, LinkedIn Sales Navigator, Gmail, LinkedIn Ads, Facebook Ads, ZoomInfo and Zapier.

“The more familiar we become with the tool, the more manual processes we can automate. Besides, our team is incredibly proactive and provides a lot of feedback about additional improvements we can make.” — Osama Asif, Partnerships leader at Jeeves.

Cranking up the growth engine 

Since the fintech industry is extremely dynamic, Jeeves needs a CRM that helps the company gain more visibility into their processes, get valuable insights to know their customers better, attract specific audiences and develop customer loyalty. 

The solutions that Jeeves offers require accuracy and, thus, the tools that the company uses need to ensure that level of effectiveness. For a company working with customers from different countries and regions, it is paramount to remain organized in order to plan and execute their strategies, as well as customize their communications to deliver an exceptional experience. 

With HubSpot, Jeeves managed to connect and align all their marketing, sales and service processes by relying on automation tools and the data they could get from the CRM.  This has helped them save time, reduce costs and visualize how their efforts are no longer isolated, but rather integrated to achieve their growth goals.   

Marketing Hub

With Marketing Hub, Jeeves has managed to implement a more impactful and scalable strategy. Automation and data segmentation have made their communications more customized and accurate. In addition, this Hub has helped them track the efficiency of their marketing investments. 

The Marketing Hub tools the company uses the most are: 

  • Marketing automation: Jeeves has not only managed to automate several processes to boost demand generation and lead nurturing, but also optimized their conversion rate. 
  • Contact management: For this company, it has been essential to get data about their prospects and customers. With the “Contact management” tool, they can better control and handle this information, which has become a valuable asset to create and target all kinds of campaigns.
  • Email marketing: Email has been key to both lead nurturing and prospect tracking. In fact, the company’s open rate has seen a 40% increase during email marketing campaigns, and their clickthrough rate has grown by 15%.
  • Landing pages: By leveraging this tool, Jeeves has managed to promote their content offerings at scale and grow the number of conversions.

Sales Hub

From a sales perspective, the company believes that Sales Hub, HubSpot CRM and the automation tools have been incredibly useful to develop a healthy and efficient sales process. Through automation, they have updated their sales opportunities, attribution and onboarding.

  • Sales automation: By automating their sales processes, Jeeves has reached the level of organization, visibility and planning that their business reps needed, which in turn has helped enhance tracking and follow-up across the customer journey. With workflows, the sales team has become more efficient, since they have freed up time from manual tasks to customize prospect support, which has resulted in more, and better, deals. In addition, workflows have enabled Jeeves to streamline the assignment of deal opportunities across the business team.
  • Sales reports: This tool has helped Jeeves to better identify and diagnose the points in the pipeline at which customers get stuck and, with this visibility, they have managed to deploy strategic resources to improve those stages of the process.

Service Hub

Being a company that offers services in the finance and technology industry, Jeeves must make high-quality customer service one of their top priorities. With Service Hub, they have managed to make their customer service faster, much more personalized and automated. 

  • Tickets: The company has managed to track what stage of the process customers are at, as well as automate communications based on customers’ actions. This has enabled them to take control of specific service and support tickets, which has helped solve tickets more efficiently and boost customer satisfaction. 
  • Automated support: Jeeves keeps continuously exploring all the different service tools that HubSpot has to offer, automating various processes that enable them to provide better customer service by using surveys, chat, chatbots, service analytics and other solutions. This has resulted in the service and support team doing their job more rapidly, ensuring more tracking and fewer errors. 
  • Customer feedback: Feedback is key to Jeeves. By leveraging the survey tool, they have managed to gather information from their customers, who rate the company’s processes or different aspects of the products it offers. 

By automating various associated workflows, the company has gotten rid of a great deal of manual work, which translates into freed-up time and fewer inaccuracies.

“We have gotten rid of a great deal of manual work, which translates into freed-up time and fewer inaccuracies.” — Osama Asif, Partnerships leader at Jeeves.

After adopting HubSpot’s tools, Jeeves has shown continuous growth and, what’s more important to the company, they have gained visibility, organization and integration of their marketing, sales and service areas. By automating different processes, the company can now create campaigns to better reach their prospects, help them throughout the journey and convert them into customers.

  • Osama Asif
    HubSpot is the perfect solution for our sales, marketing, and service needs.

    Osama Asif



  • Osama Asif
    The more familiar we become with the tool, the more manual processes we can automate. Plus our team is incredibly proactive, providing a lot of feedback on incremental improvements we can make.

    Osama Asif



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