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ArchiMedia Boosts Turnover by 30% with HubSpot

Since joining the HubSpot Partner Program, ArchiMedia has seen revenue grow by 30%, and 95% of its customers are on retainer.

  • 30% increase in turnover

  • 75X increase in leads

  • 95% of customers on retainer


Founded in 1995 in Italy, ArchiMedia began life as a web design and marketing company. Since partnering with HubSpot, it has become a full-service inbound agency.


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Introducing Inbound to the Italian Marketplace

By 2014, Italian web design and marketing agency ArchiMedia realised that it needed to change the way it was doing business. The online landscape had changed since its foundation in 1995, and it needed a way to generate more visitors, leads and sales. According to Cecilia Secco, inbound marketing specialist at ArchiMedia:

“The old marketing methods we were using were no longer sufficient. Our website visitor numbers were low and although we had contact forms, people weren’t leaving their details. Our biggest problem was finding new customers. We were using telemarketing to try and get leads, but that was proving costly and inefficient.”

It decided to completely revamp its website using the inbound methodology and began its search for the right marketing automation solution.

“We did a lot of research, but the inbound method wasn’t well known in Italy at that time. Then one of our largest customers, Gear Manufacturing, told us about something that its American branch was using – the HubSpot Marketing Platform. We immediately fell in love! It had everything we needed to implement inbound successfully, from email marketing to SEO to analytics. We knew that it could get us the real results we needed.”

ArchiMedia saw the potential that the HubSpot software had not only for itself, but also for its customers. It decided to go all-in with inbound and make it the cornerstone of its operation. It signed up for the HubSpot Partner Program in 2014.

Attracting and Convincing Clients With the HubSpot Growth Stack

ArchiMedia knew that to convince clients, it would have to make its own website a model of inbound marketing excellence. It decided to use the HubSpot growth stack –  a combination of the HubSpot Marketing, CRM and Sales software – to maximise results.

The first step was to use the HubSpot Marketing Platform to get the ArchiMedia website working harder. The team set up Landing Pages for its content, adding Smart Calls-to-Action (CTAs) and Smart Forms to kickstart the contact capture process. It invested in its blog with the Blog App and used the Social Inbox to generate interest for its posts.

“The built-in SEO integration is the horse power of our Ferrari engine. Using keywords and the Ads add-on allowed us to quickly increase the number of visitors to our website, which was something that we had really been struggling with.”

ArchiMedia also set up Workflows to nurture its new leads through the marketing funnel. Leads are now automatically sent personalised Emails at key points along their journey, which has saved a lot of time, explains Cecilia.

“The work is being done for us. Everything is automated until the lead is marketing qualified, and we’ve now moved away from telemarketing altogether.”

Our sales people are benefitting as well. Their leads are warmer, and they can get a full view of their prospect’s journey in the HubSpot CRM, so they can have more informed conversations. Then, with the HubSpot Sales Pro software, they are notified whenever a lead opens an email, clicks a link or downloads an attachment, so they can follow up at just the right time.

The company also began introducing its clients to the HubSpot growth stack, and they were quickly convinced by the results that they saw.

“We manage all of their buyer personas, their blogs and their emails; we design and implement their Workflows to ensure that they can get the most out of all of HubSpot tools.

“Then, with the Marketing Analytics platform, we can show them the ROI of our activities in a way that simply wasn’t possible before. They see their visitor numbers increasing and their leads engaging with their site in a much more meaningful way. And once they see that translating to revenue, they are keen to do more! That means we retain clients for longer and win more lucrative contracts.”

A Partnership That Produces Results

Since partnering with HubSpot, ArchiMedia has seen its visitor numbers grow exponentially. It started with a base of 200 visitors per month; today, that figure stands at 15,000, a 75X increase. In just the past five months, it has boosted its leads by 2X and turnover has been boosted by 30%.

Today, 95% of ArchiMedia’s clients are now on retainer, and they are enjoying great gains as well.

“They all have seen increases in site traffic,” explains Cecilia. “One customer’s company blog went from zero visits per month to 70,000, and their contacts went from zero to 1,500. In just a couple of months, we can show our clients that what works so well for us can work for them too.”

Looking to the future, ArchiMedia plans to establish itself as the best inbound marketing agency in Italy.

“We’re already well on our way. We’re currently a HubSpot Platinum Tier Partner, and we hope to make the leap to Diamond Partner early, which will further cement our position in the marketplace.”

  • cecilia-secco.jpg
    We chose HubSpot because we wanted to have the best inbound partner from the start. It has been like learning to drive a Ferrari, the fastest and most coveted car in the world. We could not have made a better choice.

    Cecilia Secco

    Inbound Marketing Specialist


  • luca-cavallari.jpg
    Thanks to the HubSpot software, we can analyse the effectiveness of every marketing activity, and then do more of what works and less of what doesn’t.

    Luca Cavallari

    CTO and Co-Founder


  • manuel-tuozzi.jpg
    With the HubSpot Partner Program, our marketing finally started to work! We’re helping lots of entrepreneurs and marketing managers to find new clients, and that’s hugely satisfying.

    Manuel Tuozzi

    CEO and Co-Founder


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