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On Track to Scale Up with HubSpot

Weel was looking for a robust marketing and sales automation platform to help their agile teams scale growth quickly and effectively. After evaluating many larger, more expensive players, they chose HubSpot for its competitive feature-set and the ability to grow with the company.
Discover how Weel has implemented result-oriented business processes for rapid growth using a combination of Marketing Hub and Sales Hub.


Weel offers virtual corporate cards and a spend-management system to help businesses gain visibility and control their spending. The company is trusted by more than 1400 businesses, including Australia's fastest-growing businesses, such as Buildkite, Canva, and Xero.


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Use Case:


  • Slack


Looking to Grow With the Right Platform

In 2019, Weel started looking for a comprehensive software solution to accelerate their growth. Their key criteria was a balance between robust functionality and ease of use. The company was relatively young and their lean and agile team wanted an intuitive tool that they could hit the ground running with. They preferably wanted to avoid spending significant time doing a large-scale deployment. HubSpot was, thus, a perfect fit.

Sales Manager Cale Bulgin says, "HubSpot ticked the boxes that we needed. We wanted something simple and easy that could help us get started quickly. The other tools were expensive and needed a more formal implementation. For salespeople with prior CRM experience, it’s great how quickly you understand how to use HubSpot. It also helped that HubSpot offered us a startup discount - which made this decision very easy!"

Weel began its HubSpot journey with the free CRM and Sales Hub Starter. Seeing value in the product, they upgraded to Sales Hub Pro. "As we upgraded, the comprehensive onboarding given by the HubSpot team allowed us to understand the nitty-gritties and nuances of the different features. We were able to translate our existing processes onto HubSpot easily. The comprehensive knowledge base available through the HubSpot Academy also made it easier for folks who joined later to be swiftly up and running with the tool."

By the year 2021, Weel was ready to scale their marketing function and started their search for the right automation stack. After evaluating many other tools, they chose to go ahead with the Marketing Hub because of its robust functionality comparable with many large players, as well as the native integration with the CRM.


Leveraging Automation and Easy Integrations

Weel uses HubSpot's automation features on a wide range of business processes and frees up valuable time for the team to focus on more complex tasks. Senior Marketing Manager Ben Grossberg explains, "We have implemented nurture workflows for all of our buyer personas. These help us send emails to leads based on their stage in the buyer's journey. We get to send relevant content, and HubSpot makes this segmentation pretty easy."

"Embedding the forms on the website, coupled with the meeting scheduler, ensures that we don't have to talk to prospects to schedule a meeting. It saves a lot of time and friction for the team and the prospect. Similarly, the seamless integration with Zoom means that we are not double-handling data for the leads that are coming in."

Weel's sales team has also seen significant improvement in their productivity. With Sales Hub Professional, the team gets access to many tools that help them craft their own playbook to deal with leads. 

"Templates save time dealing with bottom-of-the-funnel leads as we share resources and follow up. We don't have to craft the same message again," says Cale.

"The workflows are also immensely helpful in moving leads through different lifecycle stages. This segmentation in lifecycle stages clearly reflects how contacts are progressing through the buyer’s journey. There is little deviation in how we move contacts and deals through the funnel. As a result, it gives us a more accurate funnel with transparent conversion rates.”

As a company that's scaling quickly, Weel also augments its processes by leveraging multiple native integrations supported by HubSpot. "Using Aircall has increased the volume of calls our sales reps handle. However, the integration has allowed us to efficiently log calls and record notes, even with this increased volume. Everything is tracked as we would require in the CRM."

Ben, who relies on Slack integration for real-time updates, says, "We have slack channels set up for various purposes. The integration with HubSpot helps us get real-time updates. As soon as a lead comes in, you see it on the marketing channel. So there is a lot of excitement when there is a campaign going on, helping us keep the team motivated."


Scaling With Better Alignment Among Teams and Robust Reporting

Since Weel started using Marketing Hub in 2019, it has successfully established effective marketing and sales team alignment. Working closely with the sales team, Ben explains, "HubSpot has definitely made the sales-marketing hand-off easier. It's a single source of truth for all our KPIs. We know that the marketing and sales team are not fighting over different data sets. Our teams spend a lot of time on dashboards, and it wouldn't be possible if we were on different systems."

With HubSpot, Weel can track the sales team's performance and also forecast growth. "We report weekly on individual and team performances while tracking metrics like conversion rates, MRR, and new customers. We wouldn't be able to report on this if we didn't have the Marketing and Sales Hub built upon the CRM."

"HubSpot also boosts our activity. It helps us reach out to leads quickly with outbound campaigns. Additionally, it provides insights on open rates and reply rates, helping us figure out what's working and what's not working."

Weel has implemented goal-driven processes with HubSpot that have set a strong foundation for rapid growth. They plan on building on this momentum as they scale further. "We are quadrupling the size of our marketing sales teams in 2022. Onboarding new hires is super easy, and it's easy for them to learn how to use HubSpot because of the Academy content. It is also helpful for us as managers since we don't have to spend a lot of time hand-holding them. We’re excited about what the year will bring, and how HubSpot will empower it.”

HubSpot boosts our activity. It helps us reach out to leads quickly with outbound campaigns.

Additionally, it provides insights on open rates and reply rates, helping us figure out what's working and what's not working.

Ben Grossberg

Senior Marketing Manager


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