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HubSpot Solutions Provider Resource Center

Your one-stop-shop for all resources to help you sell, market and deliver services with HubSpot as a provider.

Getting Started as a Provider: Video Series

The videos below are built to walk you through your journey as a provider. They are designed to be watched in order, but providers of all experience levels will find helpful content.

We are excited to have you in the program. Here's why. And how you can get off to a fast start.
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Learn about the partner tools that will help you manage your relationship with HubSpot.
HubSpot Video

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The Hubspot software is central to the partner program. Get an overview plus discover how to learn more.
HubSpot Video

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If you like getting paid commissions (and who doesn’t), understand the lead registration process and how your commissions work.
HubSpot Video


HubSpot Video


Get direction on how to price and package your HubSpot-related services 
HubSpot Video

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Quick Wins Workshop and Challenge

Understand the difference between a HubSpot solutions provider and a HubSpot solutions partner. Plus, learn about when it might be time to graduate from one level to the next.
HubSpot Video

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Learn about the partner tools that will help you manage your relationship with HubSpot.
HubSpot Video


Learn about the partner tools that will help you manage your relationship with HubSpot.

HubSpot Video

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Get started strong with your partnership.Here is your plan of action for doing so. 

HubSpot Video

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Partner Training Guides

The guides below are built to walk you through different stages in your Provider journey. They are designed to be completed in order, but providers of different stages can pick and choose relevant trainings.

When to use these resources:

  • When you are developing or redefining the way you go to market with your agency.

  • Learning Outcomes: 
  • -Develop a good positioning statement for your agency
    -Develop your ideal customer profile and buyers persona
  • -Set up your agency sales goals

Check if your client persona aligns with what HubSpot defines as a good fit business for inbound services. 

See our good fit matrix for inbound services

If you do not have a defined client persona or if your client person doesn't align with our good fit business matrix, use these resources to develop new personas :

HubSpot Make My Persona Tool
How to Create Detailed Buyer Personas for Your Business [Free Persona Template]
Ideal Customer Profiles and Buyer Personas—How Are They Different?
How to Create an Ideal Client Profile

Step 4: Create your agency sales plan

 Download the Partner Sales Plan Template here
You can refer to these examples of Sales Plans to draft your own up. 

Remember to periodically review and edit your sales plan according to your changing business needs. 


When to use these resources:

Step 3 : Move on to the Pricing  services exercise 

>>>To request more support on developing or expanding your services, write in to Partnerteam@hubspot.com to connect with your Partner Development Manager.

When to use these resources:

  • When you have completed the developing services exercise.
  • If you are pricing far under our recommended USD $100/hour baseline (varies by region) 
  • If you are keen to expand into a value based pricing model 

  • Learning Outcomes: 
  • -Determining your baseline hourly cost price
  • -Best practices to price your services competitively 
    -How to pivot into value based pricing
  • Step 1 : Know your baseline hourly cost 

  • Although you may not price by the hour to your client, it is important to understand your Effective Hourly Bill Rate, This rate is your total engagement price divided by your total engagement hrs.

    Profitable firms often have an Effective Hourly Bill Rate of between $100 and $200+. However, even for profitable firms sometimes this can be lower due to geographical wage variations and/or other factors. 

  • You should also understand your Multiple on Hourly Wage, which is simply the your Effective Hourly Bill Rate divided by your Average Hourly Wage. Profitable professional service firms typically have a multiple at least 3 and sometimes well above. This is derived from the consultants rule of thirds, which relates here as well. 

  • An easy way to determine your hourly cost is to use our Freelance hourly rate calculator 

    If you used our Pricing and Packaging Document from the Developing Services exercise, you can head into 4. Calculate Cost + Markup to determine your baseline hourly cost. 

  • Step 2 : Determine your mark up and margins  

When to use these resources:


When to use these resources:

When to use these resources:


When to use these resources:

>>> What if I need more help?

Providers are unable to waive onboarding on this tier of partnership, new customers on HubSpot Professional and above subscriptions will have to purchase a 1 time onboarding. An onboarding specialist will work with you to onboard you client on HubSpot. 

You will also have access to our 24/7 Support team for any technical questions.

>>> What if I want to provide HubSpot onboarding for my clients ? 

We have a Solutions Partnership Program that you can upgrade to. Write in to partnerteam@hubspot.com to find out more.


Additional Resources

White label materials, additional webinar trainings and resources to ensure you are set up successfully to start referring leads and receiving commission.

1. Complete your legal paperwork

2.. Read through referral process 

3. Register your existing and prospective clients as deals

4. Enable your settings to get notifications when someone requests a demo

5. Start promoting yourself as Solutions Provider (See Partner Marketing) 

6. Read through Partnership Policies and partnership lead rules 

7. Join our Slack Community Channel , LinkedIn Provider Group and Partner Community forum 

Need help with starting a sales process with your leads or expanding your agency services ?

>>>email partnerteam@hubspot.com

In order to receive commission, you will need to fill out your legal paperwork.

Please refer to this guide : Submit bank and tax documentation through your partner account

If you are a provider located in France or Germany, an additional step is required for your commission. Please refer to this guide.

When one of your registered and accepted domains buys HubSpot, you are eligible to receive revenue share for that deal. The revenue share is 20% of the monthly recurring revenue (MRR) subscription value of the product line(s) purchased.

At the provider level revenue share is paid for the first 12 months as the customer’s subscription for the product line(s), as long as that customer remains active. You can choose to upgrade to the Solutions Partner Program before your lead checks out to be awarded lifetime commission.

  • Revenue share payments are paid out on a quarterly basis. See below for estimated dates :

Commission Payout

  • Both Tax and bank documents need to be completed for the approving process to commence

  • Approving process for documents are typically done 1 month prior to commission payout dates.   

  • Commission will be forfeited if you do not provide paperwork within 6 months of joining the program.

For more information, see the ‘Revenue Share and Payment’ section of the applicable Partner Program Agreement

For any additional questions on Commissions, please reach out to the Partner Commissions team at Varcommissions@hubspot.com


To refer your existing clients and leads to HubSpot , you need to register your deals in your partner account. 

 HubSpot will not notify or reach out to your registered deals, this is an internal process for us to associate deals to your partner account. 

Learn More About Deal Registration and Shared Selling

1. Watch this 8-minute demo to understand how deal registration works. During the demo you'll see the end-to-end process of how to use the shared selling tools.

2. Take the " Selling with HubSpot" Academy course 

All successfully registered leads will appear in your CRM under Partner > Capacity Manager. 

If you are unable to register your clients successfully, you next step is to reach out to partnerteam@hubspot.com with the following details :

1. Client's Domain
2. Which subscriptions are they evaluating
3. What is the timeline of their purchase
4. What services are you providing
5. How do you need help 


This policy and FAQ page is intended as an easy guide to locate the processes and policies related to the program.

All participants in the Solutions Partner Program are required to agree to the Solutions Partner Program Agreement and remain in compliance with these terms as part of the Agreement.

Using Marketing Professional for Clients Passcode: p$s5*C^^

We speak to a HubSpot Customer Onboarding Specialist who works with our new customers in their first 3 months of onboarding and learn about common use cases of selling and onboarding customers on Marketing Professional.


Expanding Services With Sales Hub Professional Passcode: +mxb00!s

  • We speak to a HubSpot Channel Consultant who works with our Solutions Partners. We  learn about the common use cases of selling and servicing clients on Sales Hub Professional.


How to Grow Your Business Using White Labeled Service with HubSpot Partner On the Fuze Passcode: eW88+=Sx

  • We speak to On the Fuze, a HubSpot Platinum Solutions Partner that provides White Label Services for HubSpot Agencies.
  • We learn about how they have supported some of our best partners scale their agency and common challenges of the industry.


Generate Leads with Marketing Starter Passcode: G37*0!Dx

  • We learn how to use the Marketing Starter tools to help generate more leads who are a fit for your Agency services as a provider

Have another question?

Shoot us an email: partnerteam@hubspot.com